Rail Shots In Pool - Pool Tutorials | Pool School

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This video tutorial looks at potting balls along the cushion, or rail shots, in UK Pool. We look at the difference in this shot in the British game and other cue sports because of the smaller cue ball. The video also give some practice routines to help improve rail shots. The shots are carried out on a 7ft UK 8 ball table.

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Products used in this video

Elkmaster Pro Tips

Super Aramith Pro Cup pool balls (with carry case)

Balls without case

Triangle ProChalk

8 Ball Cue Rack
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This is a good example of why I like this channel. So many other channels are US based / American tables, big pockets etc. Rail shots are very different on a British table where the object ball has to be pretty much perfect, touching the cushion all the way.


You’re gonna get me to the top of the division by next year. I’m following this focussed practice now. I just find the videos so useful. All areas of the game covered. Thank you so much. Terrific videos.


Finally someone who can deliver great tutorials for 8 ball who doesn't bore the hell out of me. well done dude. love it and subscribed


Never thought I'd work up an appetite watching a pool vid!

I used to look forward to a rail shot but of late they've been giving me gyp, back to the routines! Thanks for the vid :)


I struggle with rail shots. As soon as you said about the white being smaller in UK (and in Australia here) it clicked...I'm going to practice this today. Great videos


well explained, especially not sacrificing the pot. and most important factor is getting comfortable with cushion shots and approach them as if you are playing normal shot with the cushion not being there. also lastly is knowing how hard you can really hit a cushion ball as the harder you hit the more likely it will bounce off the rail.


Glad I found your channel. Most of the pool tutorials on YOUTUBE are for American tables with pockets the size of buckets. In Australia the vast majority of tables in pubs are 7x4 and in home gamerooms 7x4 or 8x4 with snooker style pockets.I have an 8x4 that has been recently been re clothed with Strachan 6811. Shall be following you with interest.


Great video. There's been a bit of a debate of using running English or Top English. I think both because top spin creates forward rotation further securing the object ball on the rail. How much is needed of both will likely depend on the angle you are shooting.


Great video. I enjoy all of the videos, and particularly appreciate your clear and concise manner and the graphics that you use to you describe what is happening. However, I'm old skool and and have learned a lot of my technique from Steve Davis's snooker manual from the eighties. Davis's view on 'transmitted side' is that it doesn't exist - "I just dob't see how this could happen when you've got two perfectly smooth, polished surfaces in contact with each other - especially when friction between them is absolutely minimal". I tend to agree!


Sausages and pool, what a beautiful day to enjoy.


Great tutorial. Easily explained and very informative. What were the sausages like?


I will only use side when it's absolutely necessary. Some players use it on far too many shots when there's no need too. It just makes the pots harder. Keep things as simple as possible


I always thought that you had to put the opposite side of spin on than you do in this video. 🤯


I noticed that you generally have quite a short distance between your bridge hand and the cue ball. However, it appears that the ideal distance should be longer and is favoured by most professionals. I also naturally favour the shorter distance and have been unable to increase the distance so that I have to play more shots with my bridge hand on the rail as it doesn’t feel that I am cueing as true/straight. I know it hinders some shots particularly in terms of imparting spin but not really power as I rarely need that much compared to snooker where the distances are obviously much greater. I just wondered what you think? PS no criticism intended: you are an astonishing good player!


Love the edit and pacing! Great Videos!


How do you find the table ? looks like a pool/dinning does it have good bounce off rails etc: I'm looking at getting one would love some pros and cons on them pls.


It's amazing how many half descent local league players have never noticed that the cue ball is smaller than the colours.


Damn of course! I just realized why I could always make these shots on a Chinese 8-ball table, but couldn't make them with the same aiming on a English pool table. It's cause of the different cue ball size!


Hi mate found this vid very helpful went strait after and spent 2 hour in a nearby pool hall as I'm away from home. What pool cue are you using? I’ve got one end of my table where my standard cues are just 6" too long so always have to elevate more than is comfortable. And I can see you just unscrewing the last bit of the cue butt. Which would suit my situation to a tee. Cheers


Could I use only top spin instead of side spin? (I saw it in other video.)