Make a Raspberry Pi Zero USB Hub - The PiAngle

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I made this Pi Zero USB Hub, its available on Tindie!
Thanks for backing if you do!

Music by: Moberg

Snapchat/BeMe: SeanHodgins
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If you don't like this, you should look at it in a different angle.


You may like to Check HubPiWi - a project at kickstarter. It integrates USB Hub and a
WIfi and does not require any Cable or Connector. Also has an onboard
PCB Antenna. There are two models of it - one for Pi Zero 1.3 and an earlier one.


My god that is beautiful.
But I have one issue.
With shipping, it costs £22.
I might as well get a Pi 3 for that.


OMG, I LOVE the name! Is there any possible way that one of these for the Pi 3?


Now I'm only 2 letters away from finally realising my dream: playing the electric triangle.


Saludos desde Republica Dominicana!. Eres Bueno


Wow $20 plus $11 shipping. $10 for a Pi or $35 for a Pi 3


can one make a version of this with more then just 4 ports?


A shame the sockets point outward instead of over the top of the board. It would help reduce the footprint.


Love how the music author removed that song from his soundcloud. 10/10.


im a spanish boy and i saw in ur eyes man the dream of be big and do big thinks, u are my idol man thanks man


Hey I ordered mine and it was shipped out on 11 June, but I have yet to receive it. I dropped a message via tindie but have yet to receive a reply. Im from Singapore.


Add a single 18650 battery compartment to it and you will sell shed loads of them.


Man, this is crap that it didn't go on Kickstarter, I just saw this video and went to get a couple and damn, it didn't raise enough money... Are you going to do it on Indiegogo or tweak it and do something else? I'd really like to know.


github 404 and is not resolving dns :c fuck


this is more of a show off than an indepth tutorial. no offence and nice bedroom tho!


so your trying to get funded to make this and it costs more then the pi lol.
Tbh you dont need this at all and could easily add for a buck. i wouldnt buy this at all unless it was a buck. to easy to get same think or multi adaptor/module. can get these already for cheap but id want for cheap. to easy and cheap to do other things. can save the space with your dongle and solder it in to save port. no 1 wants wires anyway and this can go wireless so useless having extra ports as you wont need them.
Not bashing you. just giving you my thoughts straight off my head as im thinking about getting 1 for woreless cctv aswell as chromecast. I got dongles and everything already.
why would you add wired keyboard when you have dongle?
see im thinking wireless cctv, chromecast, keyboard and mouse. maybe 2 to 4 cameras.
The problem I do have and why im here is making my cameras wireless with a back up battery and some kind of avr dvr back up recorder and sensor if possible.

Just explaining why im here, my position and thoughts. makes no sense to add this at all. youd just buy a doller hub and not put the stress or even waiste your cash on the pi.

the other thing i clicked onto real quick is that old tablets have better boards in 1.5ghz 8gb and look how available those are or even old smart phones.

I wish we had got this technical 10 years ago lol
I ended up buying a chromecast but want to set up wireless cameras. i got spy cam and 2 dongles spare aswell as adwinner tablet and smart phones but 4bucks is amazing and a fun though to it aswell as simple.

this my friend is shyt and pointless. just being honest. it wont sell. dont waste time. also you cant charge more then the main pc for any part, thats kind of business and sale side, it wont work or you might get 1 hit wonder.

The add on needs to be cheaper then main product aswell as its rivals, a good example is the "pi zero." and this is not a pi zero or no were near and tbh all threw video i wanted to comment get your head out your asss as you spoiled it. next time dont butt in, just leave the musing on and use sub titles as you come across so arrogant.

Take care.
