The worst thing women can do #mindset #love #dating #work

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You are so right- but why women choose to work and stay independent? Cuz men in this society disrespected and made them feel dependent and inferior for a thankless job they did all day. It’s not a selfish choice but women can overstep boundaries and work like men but in reality how many men are good father or an active parent to their kids??


As a woman, all I’m gonna say is: whether you are a full time career woman, or a full time stay at home mom, or a blend of both…people need to stop undermining all these categories. I’m tired of men and women saying one type of woman is better than the other. Bullshit. Every woman has a different story, a different need, different circumstance. They know what is best for them, and they will do what is best for themselves.


Learn to respect the woman and her caregiving...Disrespect and abuse has pushed women to fend for themselves


If a man wants a family like this, he needs to be reliable, loyal, responsible. That is hella rare.
A woman, who has children but no income of her own is doomed if the man messes up (cheats or leaves), since they are not only emotionally, but financially dependent on him.
Not to mention that in today's society you cannot feed a family from one income.


For generations MEN undermined what stay at home moms did. They made it as if women needed to bring in money in order to have a say, in order to have a voice.
Men hate the world THEY created, and take no accountability for it.


My mom and dad both work. They make about the same amount of money.
My mom was awesome when I was young and she’s even better today now that I’m a grown woman.
My parents are still married.
They never got hung up on stuff like this.
They share chores. I never heard my dad act like washing the dishes was above him. They taught my brothers and I to take care of our home together.
My mom has worked at the same job for most of my life, her job loves her.
So i believe women can have both if they have the right partner.
Some women want both, a career and children. Some women have no choice but to juggle both career and children. and with the right partner they can.
A man who isn’t too prideful. A man who will help out at home.

I know a lot of widows who have to hear dumb stuff like this. Their husbands died and men assume they’ve chosen to be a single working mom. Telling them how they should be a traditional wife not realizing they HAVE to work.
Men are so out of touch with the reality women face.

Men today need to stop attacking working moms.
Men attack working moms and men call stay at home moms Gold diggers.
It’s always something.
Let women live their lives in peace.


Always fun to watch men deciding what women should do with their lives.


My mom is a doctor. She earns. And hence, she could save us(me and my bro) and herself from starving when our father threw us out of the house. Hence, yes it does affect the household badly when the woman is working but, it's a weapon and armour that'll save the woman from all the evils on earth.
So i think its important to get highly qualified and get a good job.


Ya I hate how he put everything on a women. Like in the case both the adults would be working 9-5 why should the women be the only “ taking care of a man” like yall talk about how self sufficient men are- why does he need a mother/wife. And some women view kids as overrated because overall the main child duties fall on the mother- the mother will get blamed regardless of her choice so ladies- make it your choice.


Yes but rhetorically, men started it in the first place. Women never wanted money and power. All they needed was respect and men failed to give them that too. Not just that, they started respecting women who were working outside, for whatever reasons, and you started comparing and complaining. Not to mention mistreatment of women became a prevalent action in every household. Yes we work but not essentially for money, status and power or supremacy... For respect and a sense of worthiness.


I’m always shocked at how many experts in society and relationships are too young to have any experience.


I just love how this conversation about women is done by two young men. No other women in sight. Reminds you of the olden days maybe?


Most modern men can't afford to support a wife and children on just one income. And it is possible to have two working parents if the father would take on 50% of the household activities and the raising of the children. A lot of men don't even know their children's birthday, their allergies or in what grade they are in. Sorry, but that's the truth.


Who will guarantee those women the financial, emotional, physical safeness for the rest of their lives when they have to rely on another individual 100%??


Two man talk about what should women do 😂


😂 it's the "meet the needs of your husband" for


Well how do you guarantee financial independence and safety to those women?


Way too many risks for woman to go back to a traditional role. Most men are not traditional and DV is on the rise, not to mention financial abuse.


He seems like the kind of dude who engages in financial abuse.


My ex bf told me if i was pregnant on the 9th month, i should still be working otherwise how was i supposed to pay for my daily expenses. (Like the child would be only mine)
Nowdays, men are different. You can't trust your financial situation on them, the next day you may end up with nothing or a child whom you have to raise all by yourself...
