The April 8th Eclipse, What You Need To Know: Unveiling Prophetic Signs In The Heavens | Troy Brewer

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A major convergence in the sky that’s unveiling a prophetic journey in this appointed time! @pstroybrewer details the key significance of the April 8th solar eclipse and what it’s revealing about the times and seasons we’re living in. Discover unknown mysteries surrounding this important event and find out why there’s a spiritual and physical unravelling we’re about to see take place!

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I feel so alone in all of this. No one around me is a believer or want to repent. But I know I'm not alone because I have King Jesus!! Praise God! 🙏💜🙏


Last year I heard while laying in my bed, I was sleep but I don't recall dreaming anything and I hear "I'm coming soon." Months later same year 2023...I'm asleep and I hear "I'm coming soon, " then there was a pause...then I hear " tell them I'm coming soon." I'm trying my best to get the word out, I want to be obedient and we're in the last days...Saints hold on to the faith, deception has started and if you're not save...aske Jesus to forgive you of all your sins...mean it from your heart and find a church that is teaching you sound doctrine and not ear pleasing. Jesus is coming soon.


After my husband (Troy Brewer believe it or not) passed away in 2003, I was grieving terribly. I sat down next to a 76 year old woman at the doctor. I was 40 at the time. Something kept telling me to speak to this elderly woman. I kept ignoring this. It grew stronger and stronger until I FINALLY gave in . We hit it off as if we had known each other our entire lives. We spoke about our love for our dogs, our husbands that passed away, etc. We exchanged phone numbers, and became best friends. She had several gifts of the Holy Spirit and was the most Godly person I had ever known. She loved God more than anything, and lived her life by the Bible. God had sent me to her to bring me closer to him. He is amazing! He LITERALLY hugged me and spoke to me, using HER arms and voice. I now have a personal relationship with my Father like I THOUGHT I had. Miss June has since passed on and I miss her very much. She always said that when she got to Heaven she wanted to wash the Lord's feet. I want to kiss his nail scarred hands and feet. ❤🙏☝😁


Last summer, my 2 year old looked up at the sky and said “uh oh, Jesus is coming soon”. Then last Sunday, he said it again. Then, I saw a cowboy on a beautiful white horse, walking on a busy street last week (made me look twice, very out of place), then had a dream of a beautiful wild white horse. God is amazing in how he shows us things🔥


I didn’t believe in God even talked crap and I had brain bleed took a walk with him for 36 hours he godsmacked me and gave me a chance to come back and get it together Im blessed


Early this morning when I got before the Lord, I started to worship him and the song you are amazing. God came into my mind, and I didn’t think anything of it until I heard this message! I’m so so thankful I’m starting to hear the Lord’s voice again !!!!praise Jesus.


I was born on April 8, it was on Good Friday many many years ago. What a way to celebrate it! All Glory to God!


Don’t get weary in your walk. Continue being faithful my friend


Please pray for a miracle restoration resurrection of my brain my right occipital lobe from a stroke that did so much damage I’ve lost so much horribly effected my vision


Please pray for my whole family .They need deliverance from addiction and other generational curses. I've tried to get off my medications and can't seem to do this. I need many miracles. It keeps me from connecting as I should. I need prayer.


God give me the courage to be your influence within my family! I get fearful of being perceived as self-righteous and judgemental, I hide in excuses like, “I’m not responsible for someone else’s journey”…but I can’t stand the thought of my loved ones being lost and suffering for eternity being separated from our Lord and Saviour! Humble me Lord and encourage me to be your influence…Amen 🙏


I go to bed and simply say “Jesus, I love you and thank you”.
I wake up a lot of mornings feeling anxious. I can’t explain that. My dr has me try antidepressants. They made me feel more anxious in the mornings. I stopped.
I’m thinking what I’m feeling is God trying to get something through to me. I just don’t know what. The first person of God who reads this, please pray for God to give me knowledge and discernment.


I am from eagle pass, the lord works very powerfully over that small town. The lord has called me to speak about him.
Christ is lord and no one can deny that. Everyone one on this earth will bow down and know hes Lord.
Hes freed us.


Jesus is Coming! I wake up at night out of deep sleep singing praises to the Lord all the time.💜🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 call Jesus, Kyle


Im ready! Since my husband my soulmate, best friend, love of my life passed in August 7 months ago I have been ready for Jesus to come take me home!


Those of us in Christ know He’s returning, for his Bride, very soon! The Holy Spirit is working in us to warn everyone and to share the Gospel of Salvation….Our redemption draws near🙌


I went to visit my son and his family in Tenn last month. I woke up one morning crying, just an awful feeling, sick to my stomach, and the next morning. Days later after I got back home, I got the feeling that what I felt those 2 mornings was an urgency, I feel God was telling me things will be escalating, get your houses in order.


I've been getting a sense in my spirit that something big from the Lord, is going to happen. I can really feel it. ❤




Since the beginning of time there have been solar eclipses, solar flares, earthquakes, storms and volcanos. My faith is God supersedes any fear. As for Jesus coming we don't know the day or the hour but Jesus spoke about us working in the fields, my thought on what Jesus was stating is focus on life with joy, peace and love from moment to moment. Not looking to our past or waiting for our future. Let your light shine now, God bless
