Alt Job 80-90 Leveling Guide in 5 Minutes | Best Methods for Quick EXP

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#FFXIV #Endwalker #PowerLeveling
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You guys are right, Bozja is really the fastest, so if you are after RAW EXP, it might beat the others quite significantly.
On the other Hand, make sure to combine at least some Dungeons and Fates with your challenge Log on a weekly basis, especially on 80, this is a lot of free EXP on top !


Love that you make videos and guides. Keep it up. Long time viewer here


Good guide! If you plan on leveling crafters, fate grinding is the best option. You will be spending 1000s of gems for leves and collectibles, so have your teamcraft list up, and join party finder fates to buy mats.. Youre killing 2 birds with one stone


As someone mentioned before, Bozja is one other great way of earning exp. Otherwise I can agree on the other points. after endwalker early access I did very single roulette + pixie dailys and got my DRK and RDM to level 90 and I'm still not done with the Shadowbringer MSQ and BRD is already 85, so yes, every roulette + daily + wonderous trails to work wonders for leveling.

Edit: oh and don't forget about the frontline daily which give around 20-30%


I'd say the biggest issue with bozja is you need to get in a fair bit for you to be really getting that efficient xp and you can't queue for roulettes while doing it. So you gotta grind it running around hoping you can hit the fates before the mob gets it first since they have tele points they can jump to that you don't have access to yet.


Best thing I learned from this…The Witcher S2 is out…but for real thx for the guide


THERE IS A HUNT RECOMENDATION MENU?!?!? I have been doing those damn dailys hunts for soooo long and never knowing that 😭🤣. Even veterans can learn something new everyday lol.


taking a moment to appreciate the amount of editing you do in each video. All the nice little touches when show/memeing what you're explaining at that moment. Cheers!


Thank you so much for your videos and your hard work I really appreciate it👍😃👍


Scale and Steel sells the intro.

"At the end of everything I find you my friend."


I went leveling roulette today for my 82 warrior. Got tower of Zot + in need + new player bonus.

It was great.


Omg I had no idea about showing the hunting targets for the area on screen like that! <3


Bozja is the fastest but will drive you crazy.


Should also note that the pre-order Minfilia Earrings works at level 80 too. Even though auto-equipping gear will take it off at level 80, it's worth keeping on until 81 for that +30% XP. That will help you get to the 81 dungeons for that double XP.


Hi, as a recommendation for the trust system, what I personally do is I just take my sweat time with it, make the Scions clear the trash mobs while I take my distance and watch something on my second screen, only looking from time to time to see if there's any aoe to dodge, other than that I only actually fight whenever it's boss time. Also, One Piece is good, and the Scions had helped me to go forward with it.
Oh, almost forgot to mention, this only works with DPS classes and if you have time to spare


wtf. Bojzan gives like 5 times the exp of a daily dungeon. I got 80-81 in 25 minutes.


This time I have decided to focus on one main job and do all the cutting edge content. I have my ex trial mounts luckily and a max geared bard. So I really want to try Savage this expansion. I am getting my gatherers maxed out, and surprisingly just farming high selling mats levels you up quickly. I likely won’t get my crafters maxed in time for the gear boon, but I can at least make any cool glams when I get there. I feel like the leveling for alt jobs is much slower this time


Frontline can yield 2-3million/day depending on if you take 1st 2nd or 3rd


Desperius - can you tell me what GShade presets you're using? Your videos always look so amazing! And if they're not presets, can you export yours or put all your settings in here or another video? I've watched your GShade videos but you never put in exactly what you're using for gameplay... Thank you!


I'm curious on an efficient leveling guide for pre level 80 do the the exp adjustments. I have no clue if the percentage awarded has been adjust though its for sure that the numbers have.
