Sepharadi approach to Talmud Torah in the writings of Hakham Yosef Faur (1934-2020)

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Part 1 in our series "Insights from our Hakhamim with the students of The Habura."

About the speaker:
Yonatan Rahmani is a Jewish educator based in NYC, and serves as the inaugural Rabbinic Fellow for SAMi (Sephardic American Mizrahi Initiative). He hopes to act as a connector for those who are seeking meaning in their lives, and to draw ‘am Yisrael closer to Tora, ultimately bringing them closer to Hashem. Yonatan is happiest when cooking, learning Tora, hosting guests for Shabbat, and spending time with his family.

About ASF Institute of Jewish Experience: We are an educational initiative to revitalize the Jewish intellectual and cultural legacy, which is rooted in the classical Sephardic tradition. We are dedicated to ensuring that today’s Jews know their history, appreciate the diversity of the Jewish People, and have a sense of pride for the Jewish contributions to civilization. We are a centralized resource for those interested in learning about the customs, traditions, history, and experiences of Jews from across the world.

#JewishLearning #TalmudTorah #Sephardi
Рекомендации по теме

Great shiur! Only thing is for those of us who are adult converts or later ba'ale teshuvah, it can feel like we're so extremely behind and feel discouraging, at least for me personally, if i hold off on Gemara until mastering Mikra, Mishna, and Sifre Halakha. Perhaps it depends on the circumstances? I agree for born Jews raised with Torah, follow Hakham Faur's seder limud makes sense
