Ruptured Appendix Recovery, Can you please help??

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Can you please help me recover with your prayers, your encouragement, and financially? It would also help me if you can share my Gofundme and video! Thank you for your time and help!!

Hey there, my name is Steven, but family and friends call me Steve. Thank you for taking the time to hear my story and plea for help. I’m from Miami but recently moved to Memphis, TN for Bible college. I’ve had a very unexpected and rough 2022 because of my ruptured appendix because of appendicitis. All this resulted in being painfully sick, 3 ER visits, 3 hospital stays, 3 painful procedures, dropping 5 classes at school and stopping work, extreme depression from prolonged pain, isolation, and sitting/sleeping so much in the hospital, transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for depression, psychiatry appointments, and physical therapy, from late April continuing to today (almost 4 months). As you can see below, I have a mountain of debt and I've been out of full-time work for almost 4 months. Can you please help me recover with your prayers, your encouragement, and financially?

The first ER visit was for my ruptured appendix from appendicitis after being sick, vomiting, and in pain all day. My surgery was the next day, and I was discharged 2 days later with a surgical drain in my stomach, antibiotics, and I was told that I could return to work in a week.
But instead, less than a week after surgery I was back in the ER with pain so bad I was screaming and yelling for help. An abscess of bacteria in my abdomen had formed and had to be drained by interventional radiology. Again I had to stay in the hospital, was discharged, and sent home with tablet antibiotics.
A week later I was sent back to the ER by my Dr. because my white blood cell count had doubled since I left the hospital and it seemed like the tablet antibiotics weren’t strong enough to kill the ongoing infection. So I had to stay in the hospital again and a PICC catheter was injected into my arm so that I could receive IV antibiotics for 2 weeks. Thank God that was the end of the infection and ongoing pain.
All this sickness, ongoing pain, and being hospitalized worsened my anxiety and depression I had been fighting before this all happened. When I got home after my third hospital stay, I was really losing my will to live, my depression meds stopped working, I would sleep 10-12 hours, had no interest or pleasure in the idea of doing anything except staying in bed, and had a hopeless outlook. I continued counseling, my Psychiatrist increased my antidepressants, and my Neurologist recommended I undergo transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for 2 weeks to fight the severe depression, and thank God it all really helped. I've also been doing physical therapy to help my body get its strength and endurance back.

I praise God for my Mom who dropped everything in Miami for 2 months to travel to Memphis and take care of me day and night, the hospital staff at Baptist Memorial Memphis who prayed and took care of me, my family, church, and friends who visited, contacted, prayed, and support me in my recovery, all my physical and mental health professionals who take care of me, and my health insurance team negotiating with the hospital and covering most of my medical bills. I am nothing without y'all.

I don't totally understand why all this pain and loss happened, but I trust my God and I know He works ALL things for His praise and thanks. And I trust He will never stop taking care of me and providing people to help as I recover physically, mentally, and financially. Can you please be an answer to my prayers and help me recover? Your donations will pay for my medical bills and living expenses since I've been out of work for so long. I'm thankful for all your support!!

The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.-Job 1:21
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