3rd Panzer Division. Diary Of A German Tanker. The Loss Of Tank Troops On The Eastern Front.

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Today we are going to read a remarkable diary of a German tank crewman. He served as a feldwebel of the 3rd Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht, which was involved in the invasion of the Soviet Union. He wrote his entries in a very careful and meticulous manner. Through this, we will not only discover his opinion about the fierce battles in the Soviet Union and the hardships of the retreat from Moscow, but also have a closer look at the life of a German tank crewman. He wrote down details that I haven't read in other diaries, and it's very fascinating. Indeed, you begin to realize the seriousness of the situation of German troops fighting in the Soviet Union. The enormous losses of soldiers and equipment, impassable roads, overextended and overloaded supply lines for the armies, the partisan operations and the unbelievable cold - all of this was crushing the invincible army that had conquered Europe. The fact that the author of the diary, awarded the Iron Cross 1st class, had to drive a tractor instead of a tank, due to the lack of new tanks in the German army - indicates many things....

#history #easternfront #worldwarII #technic #wehrmacht
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Enjoy handy playlists with all the stories of the soldiers!


I did an interview with my Opa in 79 for my history final. He was in the 8th Panzer division. It was hard to get him started but once the stories started it was extremely interesting.


Consider putting a map graphic of progerss as place names are read. It would really help to see how battles and tactics develop


My father was there. 3rd Panzer group. Berlin Bears. Started out trained on a Kettenkrad. AS war progressed...he ended up as radio operator in back of half track as part of a probe unit. Same thing as many of you have said...it was hard to get him to talk about any of his experiences but he would open up every now and then. Never knew anything about his military Wehrmacht experience and it took almost two years to get his records from the Wehrmacht archives in Berlin. One thing the fascists were really good at...record keeping. These diaries are VERY real and explain much like my father did. So grateful for these videos


Thank you - No Tv for me, history feeds the mind. You rock bro!


Wonderful watching, and many superb pictures I had not seen before, even if many were not connected with the exact time-frame. This was a triumphant German army in it's prime, slowly realizing "this was not France", but dealing with it in their inimitable Germanic fashion. They had already totally destroyed 3-4 Russian full armies thrown in front of them in the campaign season of 1941... but this was Russia: so much space and seemingly endless levies being raised. Equipment failures were a huge factor as the story makes clear. Hitler lost his biggest gamble of the war in front of Moscow that winter. By the time this brutal winter arrived in full force the incredible German Wehrmacht, the finest army seen since the days of Alexander the Great, looked like a failed and marooned Antarctica expedition in the swirling snows. The poor men (both sides).


Remember when he talks about burning villages, peasants were thrown out of their homes losing all their meager belongings. They had to fend for themselves on the steppes. This is unimaginable cruelty in my mind.


Amazing stuff ty. I will support you best I can by spreading the videos!


How and where does he get these diary entries? These are always incredible. Ive been goin to sleep to these for the past 5-7 months now😅


Excellent photography still pictures 📷. Enabling viewers to better understand what the orator is describing. Special thanks to the veteran soldier sharing personal Pertaining to the disastrous failed blitzkrieg invasion of Moscow. Thru diaries & memoirs making this presentation more authentic and possible -! The original invasion commenced 30-days late. Due to Greece not being conquered by Mussolini's flunky armed forces. Like in (1936) Spain. Berlin postponed the invasion to take control of the situation in Greece. The above circumstances caused them the war. When a fierce/bitterly cold winter stopped them in their tracks.due to the delay.


Once in a while bring stories from higher ranks soldiers or even general who give us the perspective of the strategy and overall progress of the war etc 🙏


This soldier reports mainly on the war activities, whereas some others menstion the exhaustion due to long marches, lack of sleep. poor food suply, lack of personal hygiene, and later weather issues - mud, snow and freezing without sufficient cloths.


Krasse Geschichte eines tapferen Soldaten, möge er in Frieden ruhen ! 😢, danke für's vorlesen ! ❤


I accidentally clicked and then watched the video. ❤ I don't usually do that. It shows you make interesting videos.


Merci lour ces recits tous très intéressants et instructifs.


at the start the narrator suggests that there weren't enough tanks for training so a "tractor" was used. Not a farm tractor. The heavy hauler was a tracked truck used to transport supplies, pull damaged tanks and train new drivers on these heavy haulers Once they mastered the tracked trucks then it was onto tanks. Damage to a tank tranny entailed a lot of repair time so they had the greenies start on tracked trucks.


@Military Club! Thanks your very much. These diaries are so interesting. Its like feeling history. And, one more to add, the narrator voice is perfect and suits excellent to the purpose.


It isn't just the fighting, but the cold of Russia and the heat and humidity of the tropical Pacific, brutal stuff.


Your Playlist So 🆒 History to Go 😊. Thanks. Take Care. 🙋🏻‍♂️🙀


Hello 🙋🏻‍♂️; Great Work 🆒😊. Thank You 🙋🏻‍♂️😺
