Hi-Rez - What's The Truth? (Official Music Video)

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Directed By Hi-Rez & Rachel J. Friedman
First AC & Edited By Nathan Sheridan
Behind the Scenes Content: Kevin Stevenson
Produced by: Ryan Summer

JP Sears
(buy JP comedy special)

Dom Lucre

Conservative Ant

Grant Stinchfield

Dr. Robert Malone & Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone
(Support Doc Malone new book)

Lou Uridel

Luke Rudkowski

Alex Stein
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Thank you all for the constant love and support! without y'all I wouldn't be able to make this content. Please support my new merchandise line that dropped today @ onlyforthefans.com
This helps fund all our content independently! Please also sub to the news letter on OFTF website. Much love y'all! -Rez


What a blast!!! Thank you for having me!


Amazing! I still chuckle every time I see Dr. Malone in your videos. I betchya he never once imagined he would be starring in rap videos and it is just so perfect. Such a great group of freedom fighters in this one. Thank you all for all you do!


The combination of high tier comedy and rap here is a beacon of hope! 😆🔥


Definitely speaking truth!! Love that you got JP and prime time 99!!


who is sent from the legendary JP sears/Luke Rudkowski?


As a medical student, I gotta say you're doing great work in exposing the lies. I will tell you that myself and many other doctors don't stand for this bullshit and we're getting increasingly fed up with private equity and government shitting on the health and rights of Americans. Us good doctors are out there and we want you to be healthy, happy, and free to make your own decisions with your health.


From a pureblood freedom fighter brother here from Ontario Canada 🇨🇦 you got this every time brother. This video was so good and fun. And loved 1984. Wow. Every time you nail it brother. ❤❤


Oh many of us know the truth. Thank you for all you do.


This is how you win at culture. Come together and make great art.


We choose who you nominate 😂 truth and they didn't hide it this year. MAGA 2024 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


Bro this is the most incredible artwork I have ever seen in a rap video. Amazingly put together man. You the truth!




what a cool colab. it's important to make our voices heard.


Love it! Finally a voice to blast through the drowning nonsense. I am so glad you all are brave enough to speak about it and not cave into the atmosphere. I appreciate it ❤


Thanks for that clip & message. Nice to see Dr Malone!!! JP Sears inspired me to come here. Keep up the good work. Résistance from Québec, Canada. ✊


Thank you Hi-Rez for shining a light on the truth.... The Epistomological Nightmare:

I’m in a dirty, wet, cement cell. I’ve lost track of how long I have been there. My captors want me to state unequivocally that 2+2 is 5. But I refuse and I refuse, so they send in these ANIMALS like wolves or hyenas. They bite me while they all scream at me, “SAY IT! SAY IT!!!” Still, I won’t. But it hurts SO much… Finally my will gives and I do… I give in and I say that 2+2 is 5… But by then it is too late… They are so angry at me for taking too long. They keep chewing on me, and fighting amongst themselves over who gets to eat my big toes… and saying, “why won’t you say it???? Why?” Shocked, I scream at them “I DID say it! I DID!!!! I JUST SAID IT!! You heard me say it!” They look at me dumb-founded and straight-faced and go, “No… no you didn’t.”

I scream in horror as I realize that they KNEW I’d said it and yet it was my fault that they could know that and also believe I hadn’t. By my own admission that 2 + 2 was 5, I had unlocked the capacity in them to simultaneously know I had said it and yet somehow still BELIEVE I had not… Through me, these vile creatures instantly attained the ability to hold 2 contradictory ideas in their minds and somehow believe them both to be true. The horror of knowing that this was all my fault, for I was the one who conceded the false statement that 5 is 2 + 2.

They continue eating me alive and I scream out again, “Ok, Ok, Ok, 2+2 IS FIVE…. IT IS!!! Its true. There, I said it!” They just look at me and scoff, “Yeah… but now we can tell that you don’t really mean it, so it doesn’t count!” And then they continue to devour me until I am consumed.

The moment when I gave in was even worse than the torture, because that was when I realized that in conceding that 2+2 is 5 even once, that I just gave them EXACTLY what they wanted. Its what they came for. They didn’t care about 2+2… they wanted me to concede that contradictions exist. Once you concede even a single contradiction by stating that something is true that is not, you can use that to prove ANYTHING is true… Or false for that matter. And that absurdly means that EVERYTHING is true, and EVERYTHING is false…. AT THE SAME TIME! True is no longer part of objective reality, but merely becomes definitionally whatever is purported by the current group that is in power. THEY then become the arbiters of what is true. And arbiters of truth hold ABSOLUTE power. And THAT… was their sole purpose of their torture.

And this is why I I reject the phrase “my truth” and the notion that what we FEEL is true represents reality. It doesn’t. If it did, then truth ceases to exist. Objective reality then ceases to exist. And if you exist in objective reality and objective reality ceases to exist, then in a way… YOU cease to exist. If anyone tries to convince you that truth has no meaning and it is whatever they say it is… RUN. Run as fast as you can. This way of thinking is precisely what precipitates every atrocity committed in history. Think of the big ones. Jewish Holocaust, Black Slavery, Abortion… You can’t get massive groups of people to commit atrocities, you just can’t… UNLESS you first convince them that good is bad, up is down and that PEOPLE are NOT-PEOPLE…

A psychopath knows they are doing evil and are willing to do it anyways. An IDEOLOGUE is able to convince themselves (and others) that evil is actually good; That their cause is so just, that committing evil in the name of their beloved ideology is thus justified… and thus good.

The first step towards committing atrocities in mass is admitting that true is false, slavery is freedom and that good is evil.


Just heard of you because you were in taking back the rainbow! Listened to 3 of your songs! I'm 58 and love your truth.God Bless you!


We definitely need to see more of this type of collaboration project. You have several prominent Patriot figures here and it's awesome. Love the music, but mostly the message and the joining of forces of people who are AWAKE. Thank you guys. And PLEASE keep expanding your coalition of PATRIOTS. There are many out there, let's bring them together. UNITED WE STAND...divided we fall. God bless you all.


Great song. Well said and exactly whats going on. This needs to be spread everywhere!
