Git Tutorial - Git Crash Course using BitBucket
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Git Tutorial - Git Crash Course using BitBucket
Welcome back,
In this tutorial, we go through how to use Git for complete beginners. We will be using BitBucket since Bitbucket is free for private repositories. It does not matter what remote origin you use, pulling and pushing code is the same.
Git Commands
Set up User name and email - displayed in git history.
Git Change Git Default Editor.
Git Check your Settings.
git config --list
Git Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory.
git init
Git Close your remote repository locally.
git clone
Git Fetch modifications.
git pull
View Git status and your local changes.
git status
Git Add all files & commit.
git add .
git commit -m "My Commit Message"
Git Local branch - track a remote branch
git branch --set-upstream-to master origin/master
Git Show local + remote branches
git branch -a show remote branches only
git branch -r delete remote branch
Git Delete Remote Branch
git push -d remote_name branch_name
Git Delete Local Branch
git branch -d branch_name
Git Hooks Crash Course
Follow us
0:00 Introduction
0:07 Definitions
0:28 What is Git
1:01 Git Remotes
2:25 BitBucket Signup
2:50 Creating Remote Repository
4:28 Installing Git
5:48 First time git set up
8:27 Initializing Repository in a Directory
9:23 Adding Remote Origin
10:21 Branches Introduction
13:12 Tracking Remote Branches
16:55 Creating & Pushing Branches
19:56 Fetching Changes
21:28 Deleting Branches
23:40 Merging + Conflicts
28:52 Git Revert
31:15 Git Stash
33:56 Git Ignore
Welcome back,
In this tutorial, we go through how to use Git for complete beginners. We will be using BitBucket since Bitbucket is free for private repositories. It does not matter what remote origin you use, pulling and pushing code is the same.
Git Commands
Set up User name and email - displayed in git history.
Git Change Git Default Editor.
Git Check your Settings.
git config --list
Git Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory.
git init
Git Close your remote repository locally.
git clone
Git Fetch modifications.
git pull
View Git status and your local changes.
git status
Git Add all files & commit.
git add .
git commit -m "My Commit Message"
Git Local branch - track a remote branch
git branch --set-upstream-to master origin/master
Git Show local + remote branches
git branch -a show remote branches only
git branch -r delete remote branch
Git Delete Remote Branch
git push -d remote_name branch_name
Git Delete Local Branch
git branch -d branch_name
Git Hooks Crash Course
Follow us
0:00 Introduction
0:07 Definitions
0:28 What is Git
1:01 Git Remotes
2:25 BitBucket Signup
2:50 Creating Remote Repository
4:28 Installing Git
5:48 First time git set up
8:27 Initializing Repository in a Directory
9:23 Adding Remote Origin
10:21 Branches Introduction
13:12 Tracking Remote Branches
16:55 Creating & Pushing Branches
19:56 Fetching Changes
21:28 Deleting Branches
23:40 Merging + Conflicts
28:52 Git Revert
31:15 Git Stash
33:56 Git Ignore