Google Compensation

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Google Compensation

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0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Stock Shift
2:46 - Current Compensation
4:08 - Salary Ranges
5:23 - Stock or Sign On
6:20 - Best & Final
7:04 - Line of Candidates
7:57 - Unique Stock Vest
8:35 - OTE
9:28 - Bonus Material

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I just wanted to add an update, the most common stock vest in 2024 is 38%, 32%, 20%, 10% over four years of your original stock vest.


hey Jeff! I just received an offer from Google after 4 interviews, and your videos allowed me to score highly in all of them! I even used your tactics to negotiate more equity value in my offer! Thank you for making this information available for anyone who needs it (like me)


Hi Jeff,

I recently accepted my offer at Google & I want to thankyou for all the content that you have put up. It really helped me preparing well for all the different stages & gave me a very good overview of the thought process that should go into the preparation. I would recommend your content to all people who are planning to apply for new roles. Thanks again & keep up the good work!


Thanks soo much Jeff for this video! My hiring process with Google is kickstarting tomorrow with Recruiter screening! :D


Hi everyone, I hope this video helps provide additional clarity/insight into a few 2021 Google specific compensation items, and how to best position yourself for a strong offer!


Hi Jeff, Thanks for all your inputs on G&L round. I loved your content and you know what I made it to Google last week. :-) Thanks heaps again.


Great stuff Jeff. Currently in onstage interview process so hoping for the best. Your videos have been immensely helpful!


Great stuff, Jeff. Really useful! Can I please suggest you consider adding in a section specific to those of us in EMEA? This is the first video where I've even heard the EMEA mentioned. Also, some of the terms (e.g. setting the "anchor high" ..) do not sound familiar - atleast to me. Not everyone who watch your videos are from the US - as hopefully your own stats will have shown you. Thanks!


This was great info. I used it today in my discussion with my recruiter! Thanks.


Very good video. I can apply this knowledge to all my interviews moving forward.


Amazing effort and great information Jeff! God BLESS you for all the effort! I am interviewing for Global Process Manager. I have 20yrs of IT experience and completing my MBA in August ‘22. I have been told there are 3 rounds of interview. Previously i was interviewed for a BSA but it died out for the position was filled. My humble inquiry is that what L level I should expect or request for and any estimated numbers because I cant find any info in the roles regard online. Any input will b highly appreciated!! Thanks again.


Hey Jeff, great video as always! Quick question. After your interviews but before HC (assuming you get positive feedback), if your recruiter is really pressuring you for numbers… is it still a good idea to hold out? Sometimes it’s challenging to judge how far into the process you can safely go without providing numbers. I’ve heard of recruiters posing as advocates for the candidates and acting like they’re someone you can trust to share numbers with. Thanks for any insight!


Hi Jeff,

Thank you so much for this video - I find it very helpful to get some clarity how Google compensation is structured.

Might be you could provide me with the additional advice on the following situation: All interviews are completed and a recruiter mentioned on a call that the compensation negotiation is a different parallel process and that for this position, the base is form X1 to Y1 (max)+ X2 to Y2 range for bonus and with the stock options a full package is Z (max and final). But if it is a competing offer on hands, they might move a final up a bit ( was not actively hunting for a job; so, no other offers). The description of the position and responsibilities are clear but the level is not ( i assume they told it soon). It's a new position due to a growth (entering new market) that have been open for some months and a Google team would prefer to close it ASAP.

In this situation, where could be possible to try to stretch them on compensation a bit? You mentioned to try to suggest extra 15% or so - is it of total, stock or should I focus on something else? Thank you in advance.


Thanks for this video and all your others, Jeff. Can you elaborate a little on stock for sign-on? Maybe an example: Let's say you are offered 20k in $ as a sign on vs 20k in stock. How does this play out in take-home?


Great videos, Jeff !! Your content has been immensely helpful to me. Question: I am interviewing for ASIC TPM in India and have 20 years of experience. Which level should I be considered at - L6 or L7?


Hi Jeff. Thanks so much for your video. They are very helpful. Quick question, typically in your video, the TC number you've been mentioning about is 1st year or 4 year average? Which one shall we use for anchoring & negotiating?


I was hoping you would talk about how current Google employees should conduct themselves in their gComp meeting.


Hi, Jeff. Great video. Can you put some numbers around some of the components of the offer - i.e. the four-year vesting and sign-on stock (or cash) offers? I have little idea on what range to expect! (I would be an L5-L6) Thanks!


Thank you so much jeff! If the initial package is much lower than my expectation ( for example RSU is almost half of my expectation). If I tell them my actual expectation, would it be greedy for them and bad signal? And if i already adjusted my expectation to a lower number, will they likely to still give a final number 20-30% lower than my proposed expectation? thank you!!!


thank you Jeff! i've been enjoying watching your videos! Do you still suggest holding off providing expected package after recruiter already shares the pay range for the role? how would you suggest navigating that conversation when recruiter keep pressing for expected package?
