Alina Zagitova shows her real face ! She can't stand her fans! She hates them.....!

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I'm in shock. My sister was on this show and she was pushed away by Alina Zagitova. I am really in shock so far. In Russian, she told her - take your hands off me!
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Just because one has paid to meet and greet Alina, it does not mean an automatic pass to hug her without her permission. Boundaries and respect of personal space is important.


Have you ever heared something about personal space? Not giving a hug is not a question of "real face", It's a question of safety


You have no right to touch another person without permission!!


Alina just doesn't like to be touched. Why is that so hard to understand?


It's not only what she does but the way she does it, she doesn't even look at them, like they're a bug on her shoulder. Boundaries argument is valid but with kids? Kids who look up to you and frankly help to finance your lifestyle? No excuses.


You know she still a human and she can to refuse to be hugged by a stranger, ITS IS HER OWN BODY


Those kids just think of a hug or a hand on the shoulder as a friendly gesture. Y'all are reacting as if they were grown ass adults. The children probably blame it on themselves as if they had done something with bad intentions.


I think this would have been fine if Alina didn't look so disgusted when they touched her. She could have been like "sorry, no touching please" and laughed it off, but the way she handled it made her seem very rude.


Evgenia would’ve been more gracious lol 😆


I know that she does not like to be touched and many people are saying the people were hugging her (except for the one girl which is bad). They were not hugging her. I think when posing the hand on the shoulder is a polite and innocent gesture. Children who are taking photos with Alina may not understand why she doesn’t want to be touched and may take this in a personal way. I think she could’ve just held it in for a second for a photo instead of pushing the girls hand off. This is my opinion and what I would’ve done.


Just announce that there is no hugging allowed and there would be no issue. Then again, it would make Alina seem like a diva, wouldn't it? Maybe she shouldn't do meet and greets. There are definitely celebrities who don't do them.


How anyone can watch this vid and see Alina at fault is beyond me. In what world is it acceptable to hug a stranger from behind without permission?? Alina shouldn't be forced to hug someone she doesn't know, especially considering she was obviously surprised by the contact. The fact that there's any expectation of that is disgusting. People pay for tickets to see the show. They're lucky to get autographs and pictures. There's something known as personal space and the girl in the vid violated Alina's!


In re watching this video it seems that the girls hugging and touching Alina thought they could do so because they could hug the guy and he was receptive to it. The organizers should have announced no hugging and this would not have been an issue.


The text under the video contains an incorrect translation of the words spoken by Alina. The video clearly shows that in Russian Alina said "Ay, no, please." Alina remained polite. It is unacceptable to hug a stranger without permission, especially from the back and completely taking in the ring with your hands.
And please correct your translation of the words spoken by Alina. Remain also a polite person, write the truth.


Oh that poor sweet first girl. She is probably a skater too. Those are kids. Kids often run to stars if there is a chance. I'd print that picture and burn it, and forget about her. Eugenia was better anyway. If it's really uncomfortable for her, the fans should have been instructed prior.


The girl at the end is so funny, she understood the dynamics and teased Alina by threatening to touch her. So cheeky


Alina reacted in a rushed way there need to be taking pictures. for sure there was a long queue and its definitely tiring signing autographs and smiling endlessly at the camera and people. give her a break. just because she is famous, doesn’t mean people can overstep boundaries as much as touch/hug a person without consent


She could be more warm hearted tho... Idk she seemed cold here, I thought she was a lovely person


It’s obvious that she didn’t want to be touched. People should respect her boundaries. She wasn’t being rude about it. 😑 I hate when people think they can do whatever they want to people who might be famous, and think they can get away with it.


Gold metal for skating but an F in people skills
