Disneyland Price Increases | How much will it cost to go now?

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You've probably heard Disney has announced some price increases for tickets and Magic Keys at the Disneyland Resort.

Let's talk about not just the actual price increases, but also the reasons why and how it all fits into a long term strategy for Disney. It's going to be an honest conversation. Some points you'll want to hear, and perhaps other points you may not want to hear.

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Рекомендации по теме

The problem is not that they raise prices, the problem is that you get less for what you pay for now. I always used to say that yes Disneyland is expensive but you get your money's worth, I can't say that anymore. I had been an annual pass holder for over 12 years and this is the first year I will not be renewing (exception of covid time) You pay a premium price now for a subpar experience which was never the case before. There is going to come a time when people are going to refuse to pay these prices for the subpar experience they offer now.


This is why David got canceled by Disney media and gets not invites to Disney press events anymore but obviously he doesn’t care and rather tell us his honest opinions and that’s what we love! Keep Grinding Dave’s my boy!


Why is this feeling more and more like the class system on the titanic 😂


I’m not mad, I’m just sad. Sad because we just can’t afford it anymore and I loved going to the parks. 😢😢😢


The problem is not Disney raising prices. The problem is people continuing to buy tickets at these prices which make Disney think it's ok to continue raising prices.


This business model is not sustainable. They are raising the "ARPU" (average revenue per user) to compensate for weaking average crowd numbers. As the crowds get thinner, Disney recovers their revenue by squeezing the existing people who will pay it. The BIG problem this causes is that more and more people go home "after" their trip is over and they will feel "ripped-off". This causes them to tell their friends and family that it was NOT worth it. It's temporarily "OK" when you are there paying the money but when the fun is over and you get home?...the mood changes! More and more people will NOT return to Disney in a year or two or three when Disney expects them to!!. This business model RUINS customer satisfaction SEVERLY over time! This will not hurt Disney "today", ...but they WILL feel it drastically in 2-5 years.


Disney parks are too much for the average person. AP's are only worth it to locals now, and Disney has turned from being a trip families could do several times to a once in a lifetime trip. Not only are the ticket prices high, but food prices are outrageous too for mediocre theme park food.


In a world where they have everything flex-priced based on value and demand, how is it that Disney STILL thinks the price of admission for both Disneyland Park and DCA should be the same? Disneyland Park literally has twice the attractions, twice the fireworks, twice the parades and twice the sentimental vibes. Im not saying Disneyland should cost more, but DCA should DEFINITELY cost less.


Dave’s honesty is what makes fresh baked my fav Disney watch dog🐕


If Disneyland put more money into maintenance, I wouldn’t be as disappointed, but clearly they haven’t. This appears to be a money grab.


yeah this is personally my last straw. I won't be renewing my key, nor buying tickets to Disney for the foreseeable future.


I’m almost 40, lifelong Disney fan. Had an annual pass for my kid and I until Covid, moved to an enchant key because I don’t live in CA anymore. I’m not political, I don’t vote but with all the Disney+ drama I feel alienated by the parks. I can afford this but I hate the elitism of skipping in front of families just because I can afford Genie. These new price hikes have solidified my decision to quietly protest by not renewing. I hope Disney can find their way again.


Recently came across someone’s DL vacation video from 1987, where they panned across the ticket booths - $25 for 1-day and $36 for 2-day.


Wow. For a family of five on a tier 6 day is a $1000, to spend most of your day standing in a line. 😮


This is very smart of Disney because people keep going and paying so why not? Keep raising the price. They will keep coming


All I know is that when my parents drove all 7 of us kids in a motorhome and we parked across the street from DL, and our parents cut us loose in DL and we jumped on rides willy nilly, stopped by and saw Kool and the Gang in concert, my little sister and I being chased by Chip and Dale and we couldn't stop laughing but we were sort of scared? THAT was magic.
Taking my sons there in 2021, spending $15, 000, staying at the Grand Californian and DL Hotel? Having my youngest say, it didn't feel magical like I had promised?
Heart broken. We'll never go back💔


My kids don’t have the nostalgia factor the way I do, so they enjoyed Disneyland when we went, but their favorite memory was the beach. It was way cheaper😎


I have the Enchant key. And I saw for next calendar year, I have less days but paying more


Did you notice that Disney did their typical " soooo the bad news is....but the good news is"
Bad news: Tickets prices went up. Good news: Paint the Night is coming back.


I don't know if I can do Disney anymore. My kids and family love the parks but this last 3 day trip between tickets, hotel and flights cost us 4.5K, after food and souvenirs, lightening lanes, we were bumping up close to 6K for a family of 4 for 3 days and 3 nights. I just can't justify a vacation that costs me 2K per day.
