Disneyland raises ticket prices | More than just an increase! | Disneyland News 10-11-2022

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Disneyland raised ticket prices today. By itself it's not a big news story. They do this every year. But this year the Disneyland ticket price increase, along with several other increases, plus changes to the tier system may have revealed Disney's BIGGEST GOAL. Their endgame. We're inching closer to a long term strategy that is playing out slowly.

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Remember when you could walk up to the ticket booth, buy a ticket, and go in?
Good times, good times.


My thoughts are that Disney is losing my business more and more. Pay more, get less. That should be the new motto. I’m considered a “desirable” due to having to travel, buying whatever I want in the park, etc. but Disney is becoming undesirable to me and it’s so sad. Disney was my happy place ever since my aunt took me for my first trip in 1997 when I graduated high school but how it’s changed and how far it’s deviated from Walt’s ideals is just depressing.


Old woman here who no longer even remotely fantasizes about go to a Disney park ever again. Its not that I can't spend an entire day walking or standing in line for rides because I still can. Its because of the need to do everything with the phone that keeps me away. There was a time when you just showed up, paid admission, and had the time of your life. I dont even remember seeing any pay phones on Disney property back then. Truly, the good old days.


As a family, we have been going to Disneyland for the last 40 years. I basically grew up with Disneyland. We bought the AP's most years, purchased the special events, after parties, etc.. Disney has just made it too confusing for us to enjoy the park and the price gouging is too much!

I have spent thousands of dollars this year alone, staying at the Grand Californian at $1k per night for an average room with no maid service, and as hotel guests, we could not even a get dinner reservation anywhere at the hotel. In the past we used to love to dine at the Napa Rose. In comparison, I stayed at the Ritz Carlton in San Francisco (Nob Hill), on concierge level with full service, including food and alcohol, on the Fourth of July for half the price to stay at the Grand Californian. Plus, the room at the Ritz was twice as big with a bay view!

Over the summer, we were fortunate enough to get invited by friends to Club 33. I spent a boat load there, which that was to be expected. However, I was not as impressed as I thought I would be. The meal itself was more "very good" than extraordinary. The interiors were "nice". But, bland. I expected more of a rich interior with history and artwork.

On the the last visit to Disneyland a few weeks ago we got reservations at the Blue Bayou. After looking at the menu online we canceled the reservation. The menu was (stripped to bare bone) with only 4 entree selections (one was the Monte Cristo sandwich). They no longer offer the bread service even-though we would pay for it! That trip we rode Pirates and I noticed a lot of tables had wine glasses at the Blue Bayou. Obviously, Disney is making more on alcohol than food. I drink alcohol. But, I would also like good food to go with it. Not just a bar!

Besides, Rise of The Resistance. I really don't like any of the newer rides. Smuggler's Run? What's with focusing on pushing those buttons on the side walls meanwhile missing the show in front of you? And, sitting with strangers who have no clue what to do and crash the ship? Spiderman? Did we really need a 3rd arcade ride for the resort? The new round of attraction additions do not look very promising. Runaway Railway looks like all protections, the new attraction for Avengers Campus looks like another motion simulator, and Tiana's isn't giving me much hope after the mention of heavy use of mist machines and projections. And, please, for God's sake do something with the People Mover tacks and all of Tomorrowland!

I just don't see the value anymore with spending more, getting less and treated as an unfavorable. It's not just being nickle and dimed with all price increases. It's the lack of service, broken animatronics all over the park (only a two of the animated windows at the Mainstreet Emporium are working), not enough staff, too much mobile ordering, preplanning confusion, reservations, downed attractions, dirty bathrooms, trash on the ground, juggling threw our mobile phones while in the parks is just too stressful! The best thing Disney has going for it is the cast which have always been exceptional! I'm tired of the current Disney leadership treating AP's like we are "unfavorable". A lot of us are so dedicated and are good customers who spend a lot of money enjoying the parks. Unfortunately, as long time fans we will not be renewing our AP's. Best to those that still enjoy the magic! Have fun! Peace out! I'm out!


Makes me sad. Was just there and I was surprised at what I saw. You used to never see any trash/popcorn on the ground. I saw trash cans overflowing, trash all over the ground in places, popcorn everywhere, even gum on the ground. One of the horses pooped on the tracks and it took someone about 30 minutes to get it cleaned up and even then, there was still a lot stuck down in the tracks. The rides broke down multiple times and lots of ride vehicles were in need of repair, new paint, new seats, etc. I spoke to several CMs and every single one said they hated Bob “Paycheck” (their name for him.). Disneyland used to be a place you could go knowing they went above and beyond to keep the parks clean and running smooth. Now it’s turning into Six Flags. It’s very sad.


It is so depressing to be so upset with Disney! I used to love Disneyland. They priced me out last year and for some reason I hoped they would be kind to us and not up the prices again. It's impossible to afford Disneyland for out of area people without massive financial commitments. THIS IS EXCESSIVE!


Too many Disney fans are blind. They will accept anything that Disney does and shame anyone that speaks negatively about it. Definitely won’t renew my Magic Key or bother going to the park once these new prices take place


Last week nearly every major attraction had some ride element broken. It’s really sad


Higher prices and rides broken down all the time. It’s becoming the “Depression Place” what’s happening! Upside down world


Premium prices are fine as long as you provide a premium product. Ride maintenance is anything but premium right now, outside of the seasonal attractions. RotR has seen extended downtime on each of my last 3 visits. I haven't experienced Indy in a while, but I've heard it's in terrible condition. I expect more from Disney


Prices going up value and experience going down but the problem is people will keep paying it so it will always continue to get less for more it’s sad this is not the Disney that Walt envisioned for his guest


It is bad enough that they continue to increase prices (and pay their CM's low wages), but they are making it way too complicated (not sophisticated!). They have to remember that not all of their customers are super tech savvy, and they are losing them--and they typically have money and willing to spend it. For these prices, there shouldn't be any individual lightning lanes and the Genie+ shouldn't have a one ride limit. I miss Walt's vision--to have a fun place to take your family at an affordable price. A Disney vacation is no longer fun and carefree---it's gotten very stressful.


Thank goodness for DTD. That's been my stand-in for Disneyland since 2018. Took a 1-day in January of this year. With reservations, 2 hour mobile orders for Dole Whip and a burger...the magic is gone; its just nostalgia now. 😞


I couldn't agree with you more, David! Disney needs a better experience at these prices, especially before you arrive.


I once loved Disneyland. It felt like a magical place where I could relax, take my kids and show them a little magic as well. I'm done now. Sticking with them through this is like staying with an abusive spouse because things used to be good. Not for me. I can enjoy the nostalgia in my head without bending over for Disney to further abuse me.


Dont worry, people will pay the increases for Disneyland, but they'll complain over the increase of milk and bread🤷‍♂️ I can see if they redid Tomorrow Land, or bring back extinct rides, but raising the prices without improving everyones experience is greed IMO


It's become too expensive for a less magical experience. I recently went on a trip and there are notable downgrades in quality. For one, rides keep breaking down. Doesn't matter which, any of them seem to be subject to breaking down but the big rides especially. Second the crowds at Disneyland were unsustainable, and created horrible wait times for just about everything. That coupled with the breakdowns made for a less than stellar experience. I actually found that DCA was a more enjoyable experience overall. I'd go to DCA to escape the crowds, enjoy a few attractions or shows, eat & drink, and just relax. While I enjoyed myself, I paid a high price for park hoppers when I really wanted to enjoy both parks.


As a mom of five kids I have no idea how I will afford a trip. This is so ridiculous that they don’t care about anyone.


Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea are absolute steals compared to the US Disney parks. Even a peak-day ticket costs only 9, 400 yen, which is like $65 US in today's exchange rate. The food is reasonably priced, too. And they can still invest heavily in park development (Fantasy Springs and Space Mountain rebuild) while maintaining a great guest experience. Gotta hand it to the Oriental Land Company.


This makes me so sad and unhappy. It truly is breaking my spirit. You are correct in saying that it is so stressful to try and get into the parks now. This is BY DESIGN. Disney executives want it to be complicated and unpleasant. I do not follow their logic in the process:
1 - Raise prices once, sometimes twice a year - while NOT improving the product they’re offering.
2 - After raising the prices then making it SO COMPLICATED to get tickets to go once you’ve resigned yourself to going.
3 - Making it even harder to get food once inside - more reservations and more complications to eat!
4 - Disney is charging more and more and yet - the parks are dirty so much more than they used to be. Cast members - are stressed and exhausted- because Disney has the base minimum of staff on hand to handle large crowds.
I could go on and on - squeezing out annual pass holders. Disney HATES Disneyland APs so much so that they even took away the term! No more APs. Now you’re Magic Key Holders.

My exhaustion level with the past few years and now with Disney’s taking the joy out of going to the parks for those of us who have to go on weekends - unlike David who can go whenever he wants - Disney wants us to go whenever THEY want us to go. Sorry Disney execs. I want to go to your parks on MY schedule - not yours. So - I am just not going any longer. As much as it hurts my heart. I am sure a lot of people will disagree with my view. But - I wager there are a few who will agree too.
