2000 Year Old Bible Revealed Lost Chapter With TERRIFYING Knowledge About The Human Race

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If you’ve never heard of the book of Enoch, you need to sit down, put on a visor and pay attention, because the information we’re about to reveal will shock you! The Book of Enoch is provocative, controversial and offers insights about angelic watchers and secrets of creation. Join us, as we look at a lost chapter of the bible with terrifying knowledge about humans.

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The Book Of Enoch

The Book of Enoch contains various prophesies and visions attributed to Enoch, Noah's great grandfather. Enoch prophecies that the sinful and corrupt, especially the Watchers, fallen angels who have descended to Earth, shall face divine judgment. This judgment encompasses both punishment for their misdeeds and separation from the virtuous. The text mentions a "Chosen One" or "Son of Man" who will come to bring justice and rescue the righteous. This figure is frequently understood as a messianic prophecy, anticipating a savior who will bring punishment on the wicked and create justice. Enoch had visions about the end times, including the resurrection of the dead and the emergence of a new world government. These visions focus on the triumph of righteousness over evil and the ultimate reward for the faithful.

Who Is Enoch?

Enoch is an important figure in the Hebrew Bible and other religious scriptures, recognized for his intimate relationship with God and unusual experiences. He is listed in the Book of Genesis as the seventh generation of Adam. He is Jared's son and the father of Methuselah. According to Genesis 5:24, "Enoch walked with God; then he was no more because God took him away." This means that Enoch had a special relationship with God and was transported directly to heaven without dying. He is typically credited with writing the “Book of Enoch”, which details his life and revelations.
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