Fallout New Vegas Perks Tier List

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Join us as we dive into the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout: New Vegas and explore all the perks the game has to offer! This comprehensive tier list video covers every single perk in the game, including all DLC perks, and ranks them based on their usefulness, power, and overall impact on gameplay. Whether you're a veteran player or just starting out, this video will help you make informed decisions on your character builds and gameplay strategy. So grab your Nuka-Cola and let's get started!

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Fallout: New Vegas offers a wide range of unique and powerful perks for players to choose from, allowing for a variety of playstyles and character builds. From combat-focused perks like Commando and Quick Draw, to survival-based perks like Toughness and Life Giver, there's something for everyone. Each one of these offers there own benefits... usually.

One of the most popular perks in the game is the Sneak perk, which enhances a player's stealth abilities and allows them to remain undetected by enemies. This perk can be especially useful for players who prefer to avoid combat and complete quests without raising any alarms.

Another popular perk is the Grim Reaper's Sprint, which allows players to kill an enemy in VATS and immediately gain an additional Action Point. This perk can be a game-changer in intense combat situations and allows players to quickly take out multiple enemies in rapid succession.

The DLC perks in Fallout: New Vegas add even more depth and variety to the game, including perks such as Cowboy, which enhances a player's abilities with firearms, and Implant GRX, which grants bonus hit points and radiation resistance. With so many perks to choose from, players are sure to find the perfect combination to fit their playstyle and dominate the wasteland.
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Time Stamps for All Perks:
Black Widow/Confirmed Bachelor - 0:55
Cherchez La Femme/Lady Killer - 0:59
Friend of the Night - 1:09
Heave, Ho - 1:20
Intense Training - 1:39
Hunter - 1:49
Rapid Reload - 2:33
Retention - 3:04
Swift Learner - 3:36
Light Touch - 4:47
Old World Gourmet - 5:18
Junk Rounds - 5:32
In Shining Armor - 6:00
Cannibal - 6:34
Comprehension - 7:12
Educated - 7:43
Entomologist - 8:07
Rad Child - 8:46
Run 'n Gun - 9:10
Travel Light - 9:35
Bloody Mess - 10:00
Demolition Expert - 10:17
Ferocious Loyalty - 10:38
Gunslinger - 10:59
Toughness - 11:12
Fortune Finder - 11:49
Lead Belly - 12:07
Hand Loader - 12:32
Shotgun Surgeon - 13:00
Vigilant Recycler - 13:30
The Professional - 13:49
Mad Bomber - 14:10
Commando - 14:33
Cowboy - 14:55
Living Anatomy - 15:17
Pack Rat - 15:40
Grunt - 16:06
Rad Resistance - 16:29
Quick Draw - 16:47
Scrounger - 17:17
Strong Back - 17:40
Stonewall - 17:58
Terrifying Presence - 18:16
Super Slam! - 18:39
Sneering Imperialist - 19:26
Tribal Wisdom - 19:50
Home on the Range - 20:11
Fight the Power! - 20:21
Here and Now - 20:47
Animal Friend - 20:57
Finesse - 21:23
Math Wrath - 21:41
Miss Fortune/Mysterious Stranger - 21:57
Mister Sandman - 22:15
Nerd Rage - 22:37
Night Person - 23:08
Plasma Spaz - 23:32
And Stay Back - 24:05
Fast Metabolism - 24:27
Ghastly Scavenger - 24:48
Hit the Deck - 24:54
Life Giver - 25:05
Long Haul - 25:13
Piercing Strike - 25:22
Silent Running - 25:43
Robotics Expert - 25:59
Pyromaniac - 26:20
Sniper - 26:44
Splash Damage - 26:58
Unstoppable Force - 27:18
Hobbler - 27:46
Heavyweight - 27:59
Alertness - 28:33
Adamantium Skeleton - 28:47
Center of Mass - 29:08
Chemist - 29:27
Jury Rigging - 29:48
Light Step - 30:26
Purifier - 30:47
Action Boy/Action Girl - 31:15
Better Criticals - 31:32
Meltdown - 31:46
Chem Resistant - 31:58
Tag! - 32:08
Weapon Handling - 32:38
Computer Whiz/Infiltrator - 32:51
Concentrated Fire - 33:25
Paralyzing Palm - 33:45
Walker Instinct - 34:00
Grim Reaper's Sprint - 34:19
Explorer - 34:31
Ninja - 34:46
Solar Powered - 35:01
Eye for Eye - 35:13
Atomic! - 35:39
Mile in Their Shoes - 36:05
Them's Good Eatin' - 36:25
Laser Commander - 36:44
Nuka Chemist - 37:02
Spray and Pray - 37:15
Irradiated Beauty - 37:37
Voracious Reader - 37:52
Slayer - 38:08
Nerves of Steel - 38:25
Tunnel Runner - 38:37
Lessons Learned - 38:57
Roughin' It - 39:21
Rad Absorption - 39:38
Implant GRX - 39:57
Burden to Bear - 40:18
Broad Daylight - 40:26
Certified Tech - 40:46
Ain't Like That Now - 41:04
Just Lucky I'm Alive - 41:29
Thought You Died - 42:01


Just want to say you're a GOAT for including an image of what the perk actually does on screen. Not everyone just automatically knows them and it's really handy to have them on screen.


Daily Reminder: in Fallout: New Vegas, bisexuals do 10% more damage to E V E R Y O N E. Best game.


Quick draw is actually pretty nice because it can work as a faster reload. Unequipping and reequipping a weapon will reload it, so if you're using something with a long reload animation like the medicine stick, you can completely bypass it by assigning it to a hotkey (usually 1 for me) and double tapping it. It is cheaty jank? Yes. Will that stop me? No.


If anyone was wondering why the In Shining Armor perk doesn't work, the perk looks for the "Energy" weapon type, but the ID is "EnergyWeapons" so there are technically 0 weapons in the game that match the type of damage you'd get the resistance against


Jury rigging is definitely an S Tier for me. You can abuse that perk really easily and never have to worry about caps again


29:32 Important to note: Chemist applies to Implant GRX, which is a ridiculously powerful perk combination.


You mention Heavyweight being good for kleptos, but long haul is the best for that kind of play style. Being able to fast travel straight to Gun Runners with an obscene amount of loot is very useful imo.


Rad child is a busted perk on hardcore. It’s 2HP/sec per every 200 rads you have. 8HP a second is basically a constant stimpack (with low medicine), and even 6HP/sec is great as it is constant and noticeable. Stack it with healing items and you can face-tank a LOT of the tougher enemies; radiation sickness isn’t all that detrimental anyway, and with the ATOMIC perk later on, there’s some real synergy to be had.


Just a note that Animal Friend DOES work on Nightstalkers, even the Legendary Nightstalker and the ones in Old World Blues. Absolutely great for picking them off at your leisure.


there's a negative to bloody mess, and its the fact you can take physics damage from the blood explosion, as well as from the flying limbs. seriously, i've genuinely almost died on several occasions because some eyeball hit me for 60 damage.


12:45 Handloaded 9mm ammo in the base 9mm smg will chew through a cazador faster than you can spit even in Very Hard difficulty, this games crafted gear is honestly 10/10


I believe "Heave, Ho" perk affects all non-hitscan projectiles. Meaning it will boost velocity of ANYTHING that is not hitscan, including plasma and missile/grenade launchers. You're basically getting WAY more of a benefit from it if you're planning to use explosives.

I only know about it because I made a mod for myself that made all projectiles have weight and turned them non-hitscan. I used the same "effect" as "Heave, Ho" to boost velocity of projectiles when I use rifles.


One thing you forgot to mention with comprehension is the double skill points which is pretty gosh darn useful, especially with lockpick, science, and crit magazines


Pretty solid Tier list throughout. I would probably move Comprehension and Educated higher. Just having extra skill points is never a bad choice. This also allows you to choose more perks as they are unlocked earlier. And overall you can make a better well rounded character earlier in the game.


Learned very quickly that when playing the Viva New Vegas mod stack, any carry weight related perk is immediately bumped up one if not two tiers.


Rad child is very underated. If you have like 3 stacks of rads its like the equivalent of having a constant stimpack for very minimal downsides. I usually dont take it because its too strong.


Animal Friend actually does affect Nightstalkers, at least the ones in OWB, which makes the DLC a lot more easy to get through


Comprehension is at least an A tier perk. I would personally put it in S tier. Not for the +1 in skill books, although that is nice, the really crazy part about this perk is the +20 to any skill with the right skill magazine. That is massive for passing skill checks, lockpicking, and hacking, which are abundant in FNV.
I like using it for completing missions I have no right to that early in the run, it's such a good perk.


Silent running has an effect on sneaking - You have sneak-running and sneak-walking (Depending on run/walk toggle)

It's highly recommended for sneak builds, and straight up mandatory if you are also going melee
