The Truth About Predestination: Part 1

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How does God define Predestination? Here’s a HINT: NOT the same way as Calvinists do...
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Thank you brother. Always preach the Truth.


John Calvin 3:16 “For God so loved the elect, that he gave his only begotten son, so that everyone he chose should have eternal life.” Wait a minute... that doesn’t sound right...


Allow me to correct some misconceptions. People who believe in predestination, (that God, before he created anything, determined, chose who would be saved and who would be dammed) should not be called Calvinists. We agree with John Calvin on predestination, but do not follow him. There is no book of Calvin in Scripture. He was not an apostle nor prophet. John Calvin did not create or "discover" predestination. He believed it and taught it. While it was not taught in the Western world until 412 AD by Augustine does not mean it wasn't in Scripture when Scripture was written down over 1500 years, thousands of years ago. Neither did predestination arise as a result of the Reformation and should not be called "reformed theology."
I don't have anything against people who do not believe in predestination because it is God who determines who will believe or not believe in predestination. People have the erroneous idea that each individual has the ability and wisdom to "decide" what is truth and what they will decide to believe or reject, of their own "free will." In Mat 25:31-34, on judgement day, all people are put in one of two camps, sheep or goats. Sheep are the saved, goats are the reprobates who will perish. (The secular world is so far gone that they refer to their human idols as G.O.A.T's, greatest of all time.) Sheep are the predestinated and they see, comprehend and believe in predestination. The sheep believe in predestination because God has opened their eyes and ears to the truth. God has blinded the eyes and closed the ears of the goats so that they will never see, comprehend or believe the truth about predestination. It is impossible for a goat to ever come to the knowledge of the truth of predestination. I realize that most of you are not familiar with the doctrine that God purposely opens eyes or blinds eyes to the truth. Take a little time and look up the following verses: Deut 29:1-4, Psalm 119: 18, 73, 144, 146:8, Pro 20:12, Is 6:8-10, 29:10, 44:18, 63:17, Jer 4:10, 5:21, Eze 14:9, Amos 8:11, Mat 11:25, 13:10-17, 16:17, Mark;7-8, 4:11, Lk 9:43-45, 10:21, 18:31-34, 19:41-42, John 8:43, 47, 10:3, -5, 6, 14, 16, 26-27, 12:37-41, 15:15, 18:37, Acts 16:14, Rom 11:7-8, 1Cor 2:10, Eph 3:5, Col 1:26, 2Tim 2:71Jn 4:6, 5:20.
What i do take offense of is when people use circular reasoning to try and "disprove" predestination. In this video, he does not refute predestination, he focuses on what is going to happen as a result of salvation. You cannot prove or disprove predestination with a few verses. The scope of predestination is wide and vast in Scripture.
Predestination is not where God, looking into the future, saw who would "accept Christ" (a phrase that is not found anywhere in Scripture), and as a result of "accepting Christ" then chose and predestinated those smart people. In Rom 8:29, Scripture reads, "for WHOM HE DID FOREKNOW.., not WHAT he foresaw in the future. People love John 1:12, but they ignore John 1:13: "which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. I repeat, "NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN" There it is, no person becomes saved as a result of their will, their making a choice. Combine that with James 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth. I repeat, OF HIS OWN WILL! It is God's will who is chosen for salvation, not man's! God decides who will be born again, and without being born again, one cannot be saved, John 3:3.
Just know this. If you are a sheep, God, in his plan, purpose and timing, will quicken your spirit and open your eyes to the truth. It doesn't matter how long you you have been going to false churches, how many false teachers you have listened to or the lies you have believed. If you are a goat, you'll die a goat believing that you "got saved' because you said the "sinners prayer" and prayed for salvation


Does God choose? Yes, why is that a question?!


Doesnt God say He Chose us first? He loved us first, that's why we love him!


I remember Paul a little upset by people saying they follow Paul, and another follows Apollo, ect. Following Calvin or Sproul or anyone else is in Error...Period. Follow Yeshua/Jesus. Follow God's Sabbath and Feast Days and NOT these Pagan Holidays and you'll be much better off. If your questioning your Salvation, your doing well in my opinion because your aware of your Sin. Mainstream Christianity is teaching many false doctrines. God's Blessings and Shalom Y'all 🙏


i'm listening youre video righ now, im going to comment here at the same time, so first you says it have 4 mentions about the word predestination, but they are more, go see acts 13:48


Did God predestine Wade to make this video?


Absolute nonsense - sounds like you think you understand predestination but sadly you dont


Complete and utter rubbish you are talking
