How to Use Track Changes in Microsoft Word

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Track Changes helps us track our own edits and those created by other users. Word calls these edits markups.

These steps are for Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, and Word 2013.

0:00 Introduction
2:07 How to Turn Track Changes On and Off
2:51 How to Show and Hide Track Changes
5:08 How to Delete, Insert, and Replace Text with Track Changes
5:49 How to Change Formatting with Track Changes
6:31 How to Accept or Reject Track Changes
7:55 How to Insert Comments
8:34 How to Reply To and Resolve Comments
9:23 How to Delete Comments
9:57 How to Open and Close the Reviewing Pane

📝 Companion Blog Post/Transcript for this Video
How to Use Track Changes in Microsoft Word

💻 Related Resources
How to Use Microsoft Word (Playlist)

[Older Version] How to Use Track Changes in Microsoft Word

Track Changes in Microsoft Word (Playlist)

How to Change the Color of Track Changes in Microsoft Word

How to Remove User Names from Existing Track Changes in Microsoft Word

Thank you for watching!

#microsoftword #microsoft365 #trackchanges

All Rights Reserved © 2024 Erin Wright
Рекомендации по теме

This was great Erin, this is actually the second time I'm coming back to this because it's been a while since I've had to do this! Appreciate your efforts.


Your video was very clear and very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to post it. Best wishes from Ireland to you!


This is a very useful, well-organized and professionally presented tutorial. Thank you, Erin! I had not used the 'Track Changes' or 'Comments' features since Word 2013, and this non-nonsense and succinct refresher brought me back up to speed quickly and easily. It's exactly what I was looking for, and I will be watching your additional Word tutorials going forward. Great work! 👍


I found just what I needed. Thanks for a clear, straight-to-the point video! Very helpful


Erin, this is an outstanding instructional video. I work as an editor and often have clients unfamiliar with track changes. Now I know where I will send them for a clear and encouraging tutorial. As soon as I heard you speak, I knew I was in the right (wright!) place. Thank you for this gem.


This video is just what I needed, and it's terrific! Thank you so much for providing clear instructions at a pace that was just right to enable learning the steps. The addition of the documentation on the website you shared was like the cherry on top of the whipped cream on the sundae. Great job!


Well presented information. Erin is a great tutor! It was easy to understand the differences in edit choices and the recommendations for which selections/default choices under track changes is particularly helpful.


Awesome! You rock Erin. First time author here working with a professional editor; now I feel comfortable using Track Changes.


Thank you so much for this video! It has clarified how to use Track Changes for me better than any of the written guides I have consulted thus far, and goes at just the right speed.


Thank you, Erin! This is my introduction to Track Changes and I like your patient, step by step approach. 🙂

A Happy Autumn to you and your family. 🍁


Just browsing through the comments here, what I want to say has already been said repeatedly here, but shazam, Home Girl! You killed it. Like a dumb a**, I've been using Word all this time and never even knew about "Track Change". Today when discussing a request to help with proofreading someone's Ph.D. dissertation, the guy suggests that I use Track Changes, and I'm like "Track Changes, eh?" It's like telling someone, "Hey, you know if you open that umbrella, you can actually use it to keep the rain off you, too." Why he still feels that I might be up to the level of professionalism required to take on the project is beyond me, but fortunately this recent enlightenment should make the going a wee bit smoother. Anyway, allow me to express my thanks for this tutorial and echo what everyone else has already said. This was super clear and concise. I'm like Denzel Washington's character in the movie "Philadelphia" where as a lawyer he asks that everyone explain everything to him like he were a six-year-old, so this is just what I needed. You have a really nice voice, too. You could do commercials, and as a former teacher, I can say that you would be great for narrating children's stories. Blessings to you and yours and stay safe during this pandemic thing.


Really appreciated this video. Am having to use Word review for the first time, and was so worried I'd get it wrong. This has really helped build my confidence.


I did it from your blog step by step. It was great. Thanks alot for this Erin. It was much needed ❤️


You taught it the best out of all videos I tried. Thanks so much.


Erin- thank you so much for taking the time to create this step-by-step video. We used it in my college class and it brought so much clarity when editing my classmate's papers.


Thankyou so much... my Officer suddenly asked to used track changes, and this helped a lot.


Such a clear and helpful video! I understand Track Changes so much better now. Thank you for taking the time to help us all out.


Hi Erin, really well thought out and produced video. As an occasional user I needed to know how to use the review/tracking app and this was perfect, thank you.


Love that you were very clear and easy to follow, thanks Erin!


I am new to track changes and this video was amazing. I have shared it several you so very much for posting this.
