Christian, gay and celibate (or not)? with David Bennett, Taylor Telford & Billy Hallowell

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Embark on a journey with host Billy Hallowell exploring a deep friendship between two academics with wildly opposing views but who both attest to the boundless love of God on this week’s podcast. This week’s Unbelievable features an insightful discussion featuring two individuals with contrasting LGBTQI+ faith journeys as they delve into the intersection of faith, sexuality, and the Bible. The debate is between two Christians, one gay and one queer, who have arrived at distinctly different interpretations of the Bible's teachings on sexual ethics, marriage, and human relationships.

As a young man Dr. David Bennett perceived Christianity as an adversary to LGBTQI+ freedom. Shaped by early encounters with prejudice and homophobia, he embraced life as a gay activist. Opposite David is Rev.Dr. Taylor Telford, an academic theologian whose journey led her from an evangelical upbringing to a progressive perspective, especially concerning gay marriage. Taylor serves as the Associate Pastor for Imaginative Worship at a PC(USA) congregation in Spokane, WA, and as adjunct faculty at Whitworth University and The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology.

David Bennett's transformative conversion to Christianity, unfolded in a pub on the gay quarter of Sydney in his native Australia, and propelled him on a profound theological quest that ultimately led him to embrace an historically orthodox sexual ethic. Identifying as gay, a Christian, and living a celibate life, David is currently a postdoctoral research fellow and theologian at the University of Oxford, England. As the Anglican's General Synod meets this coming week and it appears gay and lesbian/ same-sex attracted Christians whatever their theological convictions are upset with the way Bishops have suggested implementing the Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF) in the Church of England, this is an unmissable episode of Premier Unbelievable.


Read David's story

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I'm going to cry. (*Edit: I am crying!) This must be the most heartwarming video I've ever seen. These two are wiser, kinder, and more honest than most people I know. I want everyone to see this. The answer is to love and respect those who disagree with you so that we may learn from each other and support each other. This is what true goodness looks like. Of course it's hard to maintain a friendship like that--nothing good comes easily. It's this kind of love and honesty that will heal the world.
David said he sometimes wonders whether he's doing something wrong, and I see why, but in light of his difficult sacrifice and how loving and humble he is, I think anyone would commend him for doing his very best, especially God. It's not sinful to be confused--he's being honest with himself.
I'm not Christian myself, but I hold similar sentiments. I've seldom heard them shared by another person. I can only hope to express my good will as eloquently as these two.
Thanks to everyone involved for sharing this discussion. I, for one, am inspired.


The whole video is a lesson on how to turn black and white into grey. Total nonsense and a vivid picture of how “theologians” distort scripture with God talk.


Really appreciate this discussion, thank you. The humble and loving demeanor of the two guests are commendable, something I aspire to emulate.


Dallas Willard once said that the first act of love is always the giving of attention. I am disappointed that some of my brothers and sisters in the comments here seem to suggest this isn’t even worth your attention. I’ll admit Dr Telford and I have areas where our theological perspectives diverge. However when I heard her articulate the gospel it was clear to me this is a woman who has studied the Bible deeply and I would be hard pressed to call someone who believes what she does to be anything but my sister in Christ.


Did you listen to the whole podcast? I had to listen carefully, but I didn’t hear David compromising on the historical church’s stance on this issue.


This is a great conversation, I feel like lots of people should listen to the content AND note the intentionality of David and Taylor to make the effort to reach out in friendship. There's no compromise of doctrine here, but there is love and there is compassion. I'd encourage fellow traditional Christians (side B's in the parlence of this podcast) not to be afraid to listen to and reflect on the Spirit in this conversation.


57:43 David's testimony about Christ's condescension was amazing.. Holy cow David that was amazing..
I'm going to memorize your words


Homosexual behavior is a sin.

It's not a Romans 14 issue
And in Romans 14 Paul outlines what is the right answer. That it is okay to eat meat sacrificed to idols. There was a right answer. And scripture elsewhere, even specifically Romans chapter 1, outlines the behavior of exchanging natural relations for unnatural relations as sinful. So you really do not get to use chapter 14 to call homosexual behavior a debatable issue that we should be cautious to not be a stumbling block for when in Romans 1 it was clearly outlined as a non-debatable issue.

Should we allow those who profess the gospel yet who say they struggle with feelings of homosexuality to be called our brothers? Sure
What if they struggle with sinning in a homosexual behavior? How is that any different from someone who struggles with a heterosexual sin behavior? It's probably not

But the clinch pin for the deciding piece of why or how it would be different, is if that brother in the heterosexual sin said that their sin was acceptable because they felt like they wanted to do it. Then we would tell him no you're clearly living in sin contrary to the word. So if the homosexual brother says that their sinful behavior is right and God approved, then no. And double no if they try and use Romans 14 to justify it.


Belief and faith hinges solely and only on what God said. So the statement “ did god say” and the reasoning developed from that was the very thing to cause the fall. So you who reasons Beware.


I aspire to Dr. Telford's wisdom, empathy and patience.


appreciate the discussion.. "wrestle in the tension" - a charge to all believers to engage under the leading of the Holy Spirit..


It’s easy to see here that Satan’s question to Eve “did God really say?” Is in widespread use even today. So clever. Satan was a post modernist afterall. God clearly condemns as sin(a violation of his purpose and design)all sexual sins. In the garden God created man and woman and marriage. Agree with God. It will save an eternity of grief.


Homosexual behavior is clearly sinful according to the Bible. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Paul lists homosexuality alongside other sins like idolatry, theft, and drunkenness as things that will prevent someone from inheriting the kingdom of God. He then goes on to say in verse 11 that some of the Corinthian Christians used to practice homosexuality but were redeemed from it by the power of Christ.

Jesus calls all Christians to deny themselves, resist temptation, and follow him down the narrow path of obedience that leads to life (Luke 9:23, Matthew 7:14). Although celibacy may seem unnatural and difficult, submitting our desires to God's will is the only way to freedom from sin.

I care about the eternal destiny of homosexuals, which is why I cannot compromise on what Scripture teaches. Homosexual behavior is sinful and must be avoided by those seeking salvation through Christ. With the Holy Spirit's help, Christians can overcome any temptation - including homosexuality - if they choose to submit to God rather than their own desires (1 Cor 10:13).

God loves all people, but He does not accept everything they do as good. We must honor God by resisting sinful desires, even when it's extremely difficult.


“God is not the author of confusion”. Whoever wrote that is obviously disillusioned contextually or otherwise.


As a sceptic of religious supernatural 'truth' claims why historicaly have religious priests and clerics had a distaste and fear of human sexuality, female menstruation and shared love between people.


I saw David at Spring Harvest. I went with my own presuppositions and his testimony really helped me see the truth of God's word. Bless you


Does using the term "gay Christian" carry the same connotations as using phrases like "Gluttonous Christian" or "pedophile Christian"?


We need to pray for David and Taylor that God will remove their spiritual blindness.


Please just disregard this abject horror of thinking that being gay or bi is somehow wrong in any way.
It's incredibly backward.


Curious atheist here, with an honest question: what's wrong with homosexuality?
