MISCONCEPTIONS ON CAR DEPOSITS |why you should pay a deposit on your car | Cars Eps 4

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Hey guys
In this video, I am talking about the misconceptions I heard about paying a deposit for a car,then take you through my personal journey with a car deposit, thereafter show you with calculations, how paying a deposit on a car can be beneficial for you in the long run.
I hope you enjoy this video and the car series as a whole.
Camera: IPhone 11
Lightning: Natural light
Music: interludes by Daniel Garrow
Editing software: iMovie
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Cell: 061 152 1560
In this video, I am talking about the misconceptions I heard about paying a deposit for a car,then take you through my personal journey with a car deposit, thereafter show you with calculations, how paying a deposit on a car can be beneficial for you in the long run.
I hope you enjoy this video and the car series as a whole.
Camera: IPhone 11
Lightning: Natural light
Music: interludes by Daniel Garrow
Editing software: iMovie
Let’s connect on social media
Connect with Elaborate creatives
Cell: 061 152 1560
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