HOW TO Use a Drawer Routerbit

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I've got this drawer joinery bit from ENT. It didn't come with any instructions on how to use it. There are some instructions on their website that are wrong...and also if they're right, they don't provide enough information. So I decided to make a tutorial video about how to use it and how to size your pieces to achieve specific dimensions.

Enjoy the video!
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I emailed ENT about the incorrect instructions. I would' have also asked for a few router bits to give away. Unfortunately, they didn't reply. Interestingly there's a video linked in their instructions and there the bit height is also set to 10mm.


Thank you, Marius, for this video explanation for the use of this bit. I have stayed away from using it because I was warned it was difficult to set up. This really helped me understand it.
Thanks for sharing. Felix


I recently purchased a drawer router bit similar to the one in this video I am very happy that this video was made. Thank From Montana


The managing editor of "Wood Working Guild Of America" (WWGOA) made a video in 2018, telling us how we need to make many cuts and router adjustments to get the correct setup!
And he is not the only one with many years of woodworking experience who have made similar videos with the same "there is no other way than test cut over and over again until you happen to find the correct setting (- and have a stack of sandpaper ready)" way to use this great lock system bit.

Well done, Marius, you both came up with the formel and shared it with us! (Y)

You and Matthias Wandel's are a lot alike in the way you approach woodworking, with a lot more science and logic, and eagerness to find new solutions, than most of your "colleagues" here on YT.
It's always a pleasure to watch the process as well as the outcome (Y)

PS: If you haven't seen his DIY Pantorouter, I really recommend it! :-)

Alles gute aus Dãnemark (y)


If you're not worried about visible dowels, you could always dowel the sides after glue-up to really strengthen the joint. And like someone else mentioned, a ply bottom would essentially eliminate that failure mode anyway. Awesome video!


Thanks Marius, very timely as I'm about to build some drawers and plan to use my drawer bit. I'll have to watch this a couple more times and build a spreadsheet.


Hi Marius I see several times the videos and follow every recommendation to a perfect joint on in my drawers!!
Thanks you for the great explanation cheers from Argentina


I really appreciate your presentation in Sketchup. That helped me understand how the bit height and fence position affect the joint much better than watching someone say “See this? I have to lower the bit height…”

You also demonstrated that while having overhanging edges on the front is possible, it isn’t practical. At least that’s what I saw.


Glad you started back on videos :) I learn a few new tips and get a bit of a laugh at the same time :) nice work


Der Ton macht wohl die Musik. Zehn Minuten nach meiner Anfrage bei ENT habe ich eine Anleitung sowie Hinweise auf Videos erhalten. Bin kein Youtuber oder Firmeninhaber. Danke ENT!


Thank you very much for this tutorial.
I bought this, but did not use it jet.
Now I know how.
Keep it safe.
Willy from Belgium.


These are the kind of instructions I like. Thank you.


Excellent video. I think once you put these calculations into a spreadsheet, it would be very quick to create a cut list for any size drawer.


Brilliant video. It explains setting up very clearly and precisely. Thank you very much.


Thanks for giving us the correct instructions!


Great video! Excellent discussion on how to setup this bit. Thanks for posting


Nice to see you back with another great instructional video.


Nice video Marius! Well explained and really good camera angles/lighting/editing. Thumbs up!


BRAVO Marius, well-done video. Impressive, your mathematics and skill with the stretch program are very interesting. Not to discount the importance of what you have just shown us in this video I was watching and never set up my bits with mathematics as you have just demonstrated so skillfully. I have for many years used lock miter bits for many, many jobs I have performed over the years and I have found in all of this type of bit or shaper cutters there are only two very important measurements. the height and thickness of the objective cut in question. often times it is the actual size of the material. when this concept is clearly understood one can easily rais the cutter to the needed height and then cutting through the safety face board arrive at the targeted depth of cut. All in all, I very much so enjoyed your video.


Great video, thanks for sharing. Given the fact the draw would have a base, this joint seems to well strong enough for any draw.
