ScienceCasts: Mysterious Objects at the Edge of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope is finding hundreds of new objects at the very edge of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many of them have one thing in common: Astronomers have no idea what they are.
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My wife has a glass eye, a artificial hip, hearing aids, a motorized wheel chair, and an IPAD. How much more does it take to call her a cyborg?


@Blestyr Yeah, that's a really mature and intelligent answer and thought....sheesh. Some people just don't use the brain Yahweh gave them.


300, 000, 000, 000 volts out there just crackling away and "we" want to go out there? I don't think so!


"About of a third of the new sources cannot be clearly linked to any of the known types of objects that produce gamma rays." It's exciting to be witness to the leading edge of what is likely to be a whole new area of discovery. This is a terrific video, thanks for it!


I love the era we live in today.  Science is advancing very rapidly, but we are still discovering new things!  Things like the HIggs Boson, which was finally proven.  Now, new types of energetic objects.  What else will be discovered?  I can hardly wait to find out!


Hardwire the wheelchair and iPad into her nervous system, replace the glass eye with a cybernetic one, and you're gold!


Um...that number was 300 trillion....TYPO i think!!


Now that you mention it, i seem to recall that astronomers tend to favour long-scale. The disparity is, of course, why scientific and engineering communities, in general—especially mathematicians—use scientific notation [e.g. 3.00(10¹⁴)] and engineering notation [e.g. 300(10¹²)].


@iamgoddard the missing sock phenomenom keeps many a intentive mind up at night.


A continuous creation !!!, .. . .and annihilation.


Yes matter antimatter annihilation forms the flow of time in this theory!
This can be based on just two postulates
1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself
2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!


Yes! Based on just one equation (E=ˠ M˳C² )∞ the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol represents an infinite number of dynamic ref-frames


I believe the key to understanding time as a process of continuous change or energy exchange is to divide it up into individual ref-frames. Each ref-frame having its own arrow of time with a rate that time flows relative to its energy. The greater the energy the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength and the slower time runs. When the wavelength contracts spacetime contracts and time runs slower relative to the shrinking space.


Ah, my Godd!! We are all doomed!!
Its the electric universe troll again!!
Now, only the Giant Spaggeti Monster can save us!!


It just seems so obvious to me that any 'observer or object, ' anywhere, within the infinite universe would 'see themselves at the center of their ref-frame 13.7 billion light years squared looking back in time at the stars, or absorb' EMR from there as waves come spherically distributed around the object cascading down from a distance radius. Could greater amount of masses the greater the space energy density and time dilation between spacetimes?
Center is everywhere, circumference is nowhere!


The greater the energy or mass, the greater the inward spherical wave's multiplying time dilation inward at right-angle's 'compressing the wave-amplitude' the shorter the wavelengths and the time period. The inward spherical wave's that forms the wave-medium density (space) at each point of space, are would-up into antimatter over matter within the active cores of galaxies. Space and Time itself is compressed into a singularity we call the atoms in violent motion simulating rest and balance now!


Think of how big one grain of sand is. Then this of how many there are of those on every beach in the world. We are one grain of sand relative the rest rest of the universe, if not even smaller. If you genuinely think we're the only intelligent life out there... Then that would be ridiculous I think.


How does this affect the standard assessment of plasma cosmology from wikipedia?
"Some of the places where plasma cosmology supporters are most at odds with standard explanations include the need for their models to have light element production without Big Bang nucleosynthesis which, in the context of Alfvén-Klein cosmology, has been shown to produce excessive x-rays and gamma rays beyond that observed.[34][35]"


اي جسم يحدث اهتزازات في المجال الكوني يؤدي إلي إن نشعر بان هذه الاهتزازات عبارة عن ترددات طويلة من موجات الراديو إلي الموجات الشديدة القصر.
اذا لماذا تكن الموجات شديدة القصر ونظرية نيوتن تقل كل شي يستمر في الحركة ما لم تعترضه قوة تؤثر فيه.
اذا الطاقة التي نعرفها هي عبارة عن حركة جزيئات تحدث حركة في المجال المحيط للجزيات المادة المحدثة وعند اشتعال عود ثقاب يحدث إن مجالها اهتز اهتزاز نراه نحن عبارة عن ضوء مثلا.
وهذا الاهتزاز لا ينتقل هو عبر المجال الكوني بل يخلق في المجال الكوني حركة اهتزازية


وهذا يفسر انتقال الكهربا في الموصلات ما اكهرباء الا ترددات عالية اذا اوصلت بموصل فان مجال الموصل لكل جزيء أو زرة يهتز ويجعل التالي له يهتز وهكذا يسري تيار كهربائي ليس هو التيار الذي احدث في المؤثر الاول بل جعل الموصل يهتز كظاهرة الرنيين الصوتي مع قطعتان حديد متماثلات وهذا يدل علي إن الماس ليس شفاف وان الزجاج ليس شفاف بل يهتزان اهتزازات مماثلة للمؤثر الاول ....
