All Changes Made to Star Wars Return of the Jedi Comparison Video(Re-upload)

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All rights belong to thier owners. Monetization disabled. I had to cut ending changes, so i uploaded 1983 and 2011 ending as separate videos.
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Honestly, if they end up making ANOTHER Special Edition, and are hellbent on keeping Jedi Rocks, fine. Jedi Rocks isn't even that bad of a song. It's just the visuals. Update the visuals, _please._ Decades of Special Editions, and nobody thought to update the CGI FROM THE LATE 90'S?!


Return of the Jedi is my favorite of the Original Trilogy. However, it seems to have the most controversial edits of the entire trilogy. Here are my thoughts:

- As someone who grew up with the 1997 VHS set, I always remembered Jedi Rocks. Granted, it's hard to watch it without cringing. Lapti Nek was better by a long shot. They could've had the CGI Sy Snootles and Max Rebo Band while keeping Lapti Nek. Apparently, the negative reception of Jedi Rocks is actually canon in the Star Wars universe.
- I find it interesting how they added the extra parts of Oola getting dropped into the Rancor pit, with Femi Taylor actually reprising her role after 14 years. This addition has some pros and cons. It did show the look of horror on Oola's face as the gate opened, but not showing the Rancor (only its roars are heard), which teased the beast without revealing it. But on the other hand, some say it weakens Luke's scene since the pit was already seen beforehand.
- I love how they added Boba Fett flirting with the people in Jabba's Palace.
- I thought that the beak and extra tentacles made the Sarlacc more fearsome compared to the original. George Lucas wanted to have it more "alive".
- I thought that changing Han's line from "It's alright, trust me." to "It's alright, I can see a lot better." was fitting, considering Han was temporarily blind after being unfrozen from Carbonite.
- I agree that Darth Vader screaming "Nooo!!!" before throwing Palpatine down the reactor shaft wasn't needed at all, since it detracts from the emotional impact of the scene. It also just pokes fun at the end of Revenge of the Sith and not much else.
- Like in A New Hope, the second Death Star's explosion has the nice ring wave effect, which I thought was cool.
- It's interesting that they digitally removed Anakin's eyebrows and changed his eye color to match Hayden Christensen. Though it was unnecessary, it is still Sebastian Shaw portraying Anakin in that scene.

To be continued in the ending video.


The sarlacc pit was so much scarier in the original


Just like in ANH, all the cgi with the exception of the sarlacc pit is unnecessary. Vader's "No... NOOOO!" Is completely unnecessary and makes the scene flat and emotionless. We're also smart enough to see the conflict in him through his body language. There is actually raw emotion with the original version of the scene.


3:06 If you listen very closely, you can hear the t'rex roar from Jurassic Park


2:53 Does Jabba say "Kali Ma"? As in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom-Kali Ma??? :O


With the exception of Jedi Rocks and Vaders Noo, I think most of the changes are better.


After watching this video, the main reason I'll never watch the post-2011 version of this episode is Vader's "No".
I'm a fan of the Special Editions and 2004 DVD versions of the original trilogy and the theatrical/VHS version of The Phantom Menace.


For me, Han shooting first was not as bad as Jedi Rocks. I don’t know a lot about Star Wars (these videos also help me with that), but this is ridiculous. It feels like it’s targeted directly towards 7-year olds and even the name is cringey.


after i watched this video i thought my mind was playing tricks


I think many of these changes actually improved the film. The bigger door to Jabba's palace with the zooming in fits the continuity better IMO. I also think the shot of the Banthas and the transport ship passing helps the scene transition flow better. It's not in this video, but the changed ending also has a thumbs up from me since I prefer the new music and the additional shots on other planets that link ROTJ to the prequels as well as adding Anakin as he looked in Revenge of the Sith. Nothing against the original actor, but it makes more sense to see Hayden Christensen from the prequels than an actor who doesn't look like Anakin at all.

On the other hand, I really wish George Lucas would've kept the original dance scene with "Lapti Nek". I prefer the original song and the new musical number from the changed version is pretty cringe.


Great video! So did they actually film some new scenes or just rework old ones ? Also personally i utterly boogie everytime i hear Jedi Rocks.


Why did the original videos get taken down?


What was that song at the end when luke and vader were fighting? Thanks


i am one of those few who actually like jedi rocks. lol. the shots suck tho. but the song is good


Always hated Jedi Rocks, and a big no to Vader's "Nooo". Besides that the changes were fine


There’s a part where an alien outside of Jabba’s palace snatches another alien with his tongue. I watched the project 4k83 version and it was in there. I always thought that was a special edition change. That wasn’t CGI??


In a few years we will have technology to make actors look totally different (more devolved cgi) and than they remaster everything In the oringinal trilogy 🗿


the only thing slightly good about jedi rocks is the drummers


El Regreso Del Jedi 2006 Y 2008 Y 2009 Originales Y Ediciónes Especiales
