I Tested a Scientifically 'Perfect' Morning Routine

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Is there a scientifically perfect night routine? Love to see that. Great video as always!



1:18 Gaia wondering why Ell is up at this time and filming her
3:04 Cat Silhouette in the foreground
3:36 Both cats be like: "But our job is important, we are the Bosses here!"
3:40 Atlas sitting like a person doing fur-care. Gaia to the right in the background hiding in the shadow
5:06 Gaia walks over to the sofa and watches the plant before napping again
6:24 Both cats watch Ell strech. They don't understand why you need anything else but the "downward facing dog" pose but they are used to their human doing weird things
6:31 Gaia helps with the workout, Atlas continues to judge it


The whole 'go outside for natural sunlight' kinda falls apart when you wake up and its still dark outside 💀


I haven't had a chance to look over his research, but one thing that I was curious about while watching your video was how many experiments he's done with combining and removing each piece of this routine to see if any one piece (when combine with the others) greatly impacts the overall routine or if any of them are just great in isolation. With so many variables, it would be a pretty complex experimental design, but I wonder if there's research he's done which could guide people on knowing which paired down combinations give more benefits than others.


That galaxy background as all the scientifically perfect parts of a morning routine popped up, was immaculate 🤣🤣✨


I think the hard part would be the showers and natural light exposure. I live far enough north that the sun doesn't rise until 9am in the winter. A daily shower would be a no go as well. I usually end my showers with cold anyway.


- sun exposure
- drink water
- meditation
- stretching
- exercise
- cold shower
- delay caffeine intake for 2 hours after waking up
- journalling
- to-do list


I have trouble with my circadian rhythm (basically it's more than 24 hours long so I have trouble falling asleep in a timely manner) and keeping it in check is vital for my everyday functionality. So when I heard of this routine I integrated all those things that are related to circadian rhythm into my life as best as possible and it really helps. I can absolutely recommend morning light exposure and exercise and I combine the two by going for a morning jog almost every morning. Delayed caffeine consumption has turned out to be great aswell even if I was skeptical at first but turns out I wake up just fine without coffee. Another non-Huberman habit I can recommend is getting a second phase of light exposure towards the end of the day because your brain reacts to the natural light getting warmer/more dim by making you sleepy soon.
If you also suffer from delayed circadian rhythm:
- get morning light
- get morning exercise
(both signal your body it's the beginning of your circadian rhythm so the internal clock starts ticking earlier)
- delay your caffeine intake and don't have caffeine after 3pm
- get plenty of physical activity in your day to tire yourself out
- have as much outdoors light exposure as possible, the more the better
- have evening light exposure
- don't have sugary snacks in the evening
- don't exercise 3 hours before your bedtime
- have an early and slow get ready for bed routine
- take melatonin (serious gamechanger)
I used to have serious issues with my sleeping schedule but since I follow the listed steps (more or less, I'm not perfect) it has gotten a lot better and I can usually maintain an 11pm to 7am sleep schedule which is huge for me.😍


This is a great morning routine except if you have to commute to work or school early. I definitely will try this on weekends but I would have to wake up at 5 AM on weekdays to do this before school or work. This is not a critique of you Ell since you didn’t create this routine, and you even said yourself it’s too rigid for most people. But it’s something I feel like these routines don’t consider. People that go to work or school in the morning (most of the world I would guess) want to have a morning routine that is scientifically perfect and guaranteed to get us through the day. But sometimes it’s just not possible with the limited time in the morning that you have.


As a fellow spoonie, I honestly have no idea how you did this!! I just can’t do early mornings, no matter what I do to try and make them work!!!


Funny, my baby started waking me up around 6 o clock since April. In the beginning I did so well... I stood up, went to the bathroom, changed the nappi, washed up (I'm an evening bathing person) got dressed, went to the kitchen, drank water by the window wachting the baby, tried to make breakfast and eat it or let it sit for later. Took baby and the dogs for a morning walk, came back, packed my stuff for uni (and looked at my calendar what was important that day), woke up my husband (and the toddler) said bye and drove 30min by bike uphill to uni... So kinda that routine minus the 'stretching' and 'mindfulness+meditating'(I'm not into that part really)... I did it for around 6 or 8 weeks, than the toddler startet to wake up as well and it complicated things a lot (lots of loud noise, little fights, ...)maybe I can start again but I doubt it. Mornings with a baby and a 3year old are just not peaceful enough - sometimes I don't even drink water. And the baby also wants more things as its starts to eat food and can move around a lot more...


As the week progresses, I can see Ell's face brightening earlier in the morning and the dark circles under the eyes were less visible. I am impressed.


❤ I love your humor it keeps the videos so fresh and interesting


This is amazing to see! I've been having cold showers every morning without fail for the past 3 years. It completely changed my outlook on life and the day ahead of me. That little change allowed me to change my mindset on the rest of my day. I'm going to add the meditation in & see how that goes!


I think sun exposure, some light exercise, and drinking water instead of coffee first thing in the morning are the only things you need. I do these things myself. I also do something fun every morning before starting my day. Saving the new episode of my favorite show or a chapter in a book for the morning. I have to get up earlier to do this, but it's worth it. I'm no longer upset to wake up because I have a reward waiting for me.


“your cells are gagging for a drink love” is going to become my new mind mantra I can already tell


I've done a night time routine of just cutting out a screen an hour before I go to sleep. It's really helped a lot with being able to fall asleep easily. Intrigued by this routine! Haven't thought about how a wake up schedule could help as well.


Question: What does the routine suggest to do in winter time when there is no natural light at 5-6am in most places?


I think I will give this a go. I know I have been needing a change. And feel like I am ready!! Thanks


Big thanks to Youtube for putting you in my feed. I have spent the last week bingewatching every single video of your channel. Love you and your videos ❤
