
Opening Up About My Illness

I Tested a Scientifically 'Perfect' Morning Routine

An Unhinged Recap of the Twisted Series by Ana Huang

My 1860s House Tour (except im moving so expose everything)

I Tried a Productivity Pill for 24 Hours.. and It was INSANE

I Tested a Scientifically 'Perfect' Night Routine

I Drank a GALLON of WATER Everyday for a Week.. Here's What Happened

I Followed Habits of the Richest CEOs for a Week

I Made VIRAL TikTok Foods to see If They're Actually Good

How Much YouTube Paid Me For My 4,000,000 View Video

Coming Out

I Hired a $200 Stylist and a $20 Stylist to Dress Me for a Week

I Ate Restaurant Leftovers for 24 Hours *food sustainability app*

I Wrote a Best Selling Book in 24 Hours

My Sister had Facial Feminization Surgery in South Korea | pt. 2

I Got a Virtual Personal Trainer for a Month *results*

I Tried Water Fasting.. Here's What Happened

I Recreated Barbie Doll Outfits to see If She’s Actually Fashionable

I Hired 3 Different Designers to Makeover the SAME ROOM

My Sister Had Facial Feminization Surgery in KOREA | pt. 1

I Got a PROFESSIONAL Colour Analysis in Korea

pimp my pumpkin soup | Cooking With Ellbat

me doing everything except studying