Does Isaiah 45:7 Say That God Created Evil?

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I don't know that calamity makes this better. Most fundamentalists teach that Satan is the one who creates calamity. This seems counter to that teaching.


Colossians 1:16 that's settles it !


The word “calamity” was first used in the 15th century.... LONG after that verse was written so you can’t use it in that context 🤦🏽‍♂️


You can rightly divide that word evil as it reads. The word calamity or war, bloodshed can still be seen as evil.


That is absolutely 💯 HE IS SOVEREIGN. He has to allow evil


God Of Israel Don't Studder With His Very Own Human Being Does Studder With The


God creating calamity. Perhaps one can view it like a parent disciplining a child for misbehaving.


God creates evil. Point and blank. The most messed up thing thats ever happened to you was God's will. I hate when people say that God only gives you battles that you can handle. God wants you broken. I believe he gives you battles you cannot win on purpose. If the battle feels too easy, you aren’t focused on where you need to be. Don't over complicate his word. You know what he is saying, you just aren't listening close enough. Get broken and let him rebuild you according to his plan. Feel the weight of the world when you're trying to figure out where you can scrape up enough money to make it home from an overtime shift. God is evil just as much as he is good. Thats the beauty of free will. Get broken, rebuild and get broken again. Because that’s how he really test you. Evil is necessary to his plan. It’s not Lucifer it’s God. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”.


Where you go wrong and don't understand scripture is that you need to ask the question "If God created evil, THEN WHY did God create evil." Once you understand this, then you can understand that God indeed created ALL things, including evil. You are turning this into a mans doctrine by denying scripture.


Yes, since Almighty God is PERFECT, therefore God created the "Knowledge of Good and Evil, "... and planted the "TREE of KNOWLEDGE" (Good/Evil) together with the "TREE of LIFE" (which is Christ Jesus, God gave birth to His only begotten Son called THE WORD from God's bosom as the TRUE source of living life/immortality) in the Garden of Eden. God Almighty chooses GOOD in creating ALL His CREATIONS both visible and invisible from evening to morning for 6 days and rested on the 7th day... "Everything that God created is GOOD" as the Bible narrated... (from the Book of Genesis)...
God also gave all His Angels (Sons of God) and Humans (Adam/Eve) the gift of FREE WILL with the attached CONSEQUENCES to those who choose GOOD which is REWARD and those who choose EVIL which is PUNISHMENT... God never created LUCIFER (Morning Star) to become EVIL, but the of EVIL comes to his mind and heart that made him SATAN (meaning Against/Oppose/Enemy of God)... Biblically Facts and Truth... Amen.


Translated different ways, so you pick and choose which transformations suit you best. Religion is pointless.


God created both Good and Evil and All things.


Isaiah 45:7 = I AM Day 7824.
I AM Spirit and Flesh.
Opposites Are One = Lamech and Lamech.
Therefore: 7824/4 = I AM ~


No, it doesn’t say that. It says “I” create evil. Read it in the first person which is the way it is all intended to be read.
You’re wrong about how you explain what the scripture means because you don’t yet know it’s meant to be read in the first person.


You say this as if God creating world War 2 is acceptable


If it fits the narrative its literal, if it doesn't it wasn't translated properly or is metaphor lol. It irritates me how you lot are always dancing around questions and meanings, why we need so many translations for this one book.


Lol unlearned

Word of advice. Stop going back to Greek it will confuse you
