Tropics Update: Tropical Storm Isaias Off Coast of Georgia

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13News Now Meteorologist Tim Pandajis looks at the position of Tropical Storm Isaias and how likely it is it will bump back up to a hurricane.

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At least try and hide your disappointment that the storm has weakened.


I live in New Orleans and will watch you from now on. You are a true pro!


Thank God, We don't need any more disasters


in bluffton sc and we got nothing but a little bit of rain 😥


As of now in gwinnett County we r getting hit with a severe thunderstorm warning


There's more coverage for this little rain storm than we ever got for Hurricane Michael


I wish the news would explain the plain details and important stuff simply at first so you hurry up and know what you have comming and then the science lesson rambling aft


The thing is it looks like it actually stops at the coast and rides upwards, why? How? Wtf??


This storm is going strengthen, please dont let your guard down.


Thank you for telling me about thet Wales thre man now I feel kinda scared but thanks!


Such a weak storm. In Florida, we were lucky to get a whole 4 minutes of rain drops yet we were hoping for the rain that we desperately needed. We want this storm and was disappointed.


This is the worst storm name. Who picked it? Who did this to us?!


Can't they just name a tropical storm that we can pronounce ???


you could not predict christmas on dec 24th.


Only JESUS CHRIST can save your soul from the flames of hell!


pee wee herman is a meteorologist now?


The new thang....everybody MUST pronounce a Biblical name the wrong way.
Comply or you will be assumed to be a Christian fundamentalist.
Everyone...say it with me...'eye-zay-us.'
If that is impossible, just say Isaiah.🙄


Interesting. We deflected that man-made storm from hitting central Florida.


Bahá'í Scriptures teach that, as trustees of the planet's
vast resources and biological diversity, humanity must seek
to protect the "heritage [of] future generations;" see in nature
a reflection of the divine; approach the earth, the source of
material bounties, with humility; temper its actions with
moderation; and be guided by the fundamental spiritual truth
of our age, the oneness of humanity. The speed and facility
with which we establish a sustainable pattern of life will depend,
in the final analysis, on the extent to which we are willing to
be transformed, through the love of God and obedience to
His Laws, into constructive forces in the process of creating
an ever-advancing civilization
(The Baha'i International Community, 1995 Apr 06, Conservation and Sustainable)


Praying for all and hope you will help share this very important Truth from Almighty God's Word:
"Time Has An End"
Time has an end, with much of God's word, the Bible, to comprehend, but most won't contend, and climate change won't mend; Global warming is God's final warning, as He is always in control, and He is our Weatherman (Isaiah 45, Nahum 1, Jeremiah 23....)Because of too much rebellion and sin, and wicked hearts within. (Jeremiah 7, Psalm 48, Romans 1-3...) God gave us His written word, originally in Hebrew and Greek, and called this book the Bible, to show us how to live and be; The Bible was written by holy men of old, many years ago, as God moved them through the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21); And all scripture was written by inspiration of God, for us to be corrected, and reproved, by walking in His truth (2 Timothy 3:16, 17); We have a most loving, and merciful God, to be praised and obeyed, from the moment we arise, til we go to sleep at night, yet much of the world won’t take heed, and go their own way; (Psalm 113:3, Ezekiel 39, Jeremiah 12, Ephesians 5, Titus 3, 2 Timothy ) He is the King of kings, LORD of lords, He is our Savior, Creator of all, but most won't even acknowledge Him, and mock Him with much gall; We’re in the “Great Tribulation” now of Matthew 24, the LORD has opened up the seals (Revelation 5-22), so we can see truth more; In Daniel chapter 12 vs 9, God told Daniel the seals were closed til the end of time; If you study from Isaiah to the book of Malachi, hopefully you will see that this is all about the end times; Too many false gospels, signs and wonders, none have the truth, since God has allowed Satan to take his seat in the temple, and now rules, according to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 (2 Corinthians 11, Revelation 2, 3, 17-22)Judgment has begun on the house of God, in 1 Peter chapter 4, God is starting with the churches, and then to many more; (Ezekiel 9, Jeremiah 25...) God is our Faith, our Baptism, our LORD, and Father of all, and only He can save, not the pope, priest, you, or me, and none can come to Him, unless He draws, and only by His mercy; (John 6:44, 10:30, Ezekiel 36, Romans 1-9, 1 Timothy 2:5, Titus 3, Ephesians 1-5...)So as the days of Noah, because of too much sin, when the floods came, and took most everyone/thing away, except for the animals on ark, and Noah's family of eight, So shall our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ (both the same), come and destroy this earth with fire on the dreadful Judgment Day, with only a remnant saved (Isaiah 1, 10, 11, Jeremiah 23, 31, Ezekiel 6, Joel 2, Malachi 4, Romans 9, 11, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, Revelation  11, 12, 18-22….), and He alone is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2);Please come soon LORD Jesus, please come soon, let Satan and sin no longer rule, for many are suffering, more and more each day, especially the children, LORD we pray; Please come soon dear LORD, please come save (Revelation 18-22)

Thank you for listening, may God bless, and keep you always!