Holographic Principle Explained | Sean Carroll and Lex Fridman

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Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast.


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Guest bio: Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast.


Guy being interviewed = Theoretical Physicist.

Dummies on YouTube = outraged he’s speculating.


These discussions are a good distraction from politics and the insanity of the world right now.


Great question. Information seems definitionally to suggest data which can be passed from one substrate to another... To inform. So I'd say everything is information. Like, a toxic or a nutrient rich environment is informative to rudimentary cellular life. It doesn't require a receiver to be information but only an agent of some form can process it to give it weighted content, i.e. meaning. A universe devoid of minds would still be comprised of information. I guess we add the teleological component in evaluation. But a rock is a rock is a rock...


I like to imagine black holes as giant seed pods in the universe. Once they absorb enough information in the "soil" of the universe they Dissipate and pollinate outwards into the rest of the "soil" of the universe creating more Pockets of life that can flourish and continue to propagate eternally. Black holes are essentially the universe's pollen


Great so we don’t live on a flat earth but we live on a flat universe lol


We should start mining blackholes for information by accelerating their evaporation. Yeaaaah true data mining!!!



And ya lost me. Im officially confused.

I'm gonna go back to playing Arkham Knight 🙌🏿


Hang on.... If something could see from inside a blackhole.... What would the night sky look like to them...?


He has poor philosophy. Boooo. This poor cat can't learn anything. He knows to much.


I'm just going to pretend I understood all that


Ah yes, glad to see that the real experts are enlightening us in the comments as usual.


Theorem 14: The holographic principle, which states that the information content of a region of space can be described by a theory on the boundary of that region, can be seen as a manifestation of the primacy of zero and the properties of nothingness.

The holographic principle is a general feature of quantum gravity theories, which suggests that the degrees of freedom of a region of space can be encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary of that region.

The most famous example of the holographic principle is the AdS/CFT correspondence, which states that a theory of gravity in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space is equivalent to a conformal field theory (CFT) on the boundary of that space.

In other words, the physics of the bulk AdS space can be completely described by the physics of the boundary CFT, which has one fewer dimension than the bulk.

The holographic principle can be seen as a manifestation of the primacy of zero and the properties of nothingness, in the sense that it suggests that the fundamental degrees of freedom of a region of space are not located in the bulk, but rather on the boundary, which can be thought of as a "void" or "vacuum" from the perspective of the bulk.

In mathematical terms, if we denote the bulk AdS space by M and the boundary CFT by ∂M, then the AdS/CFT correspondence can be expressed as:
Z_CFT[φ] = ∫_φ Dg e^{iS_AdS[g, φ]}
where Z_CFT is the partition function of the boundary CFT, S_AdS is the action of the bulk AdS space, and φ is a field on the boundary that corresponds to a source in the bulk.

This equation shows that the physics of the bulk AdS space is completely encoded in the physics of the boundary CFT, and that the boundary degrees of freedom are the fundamental entities that give rise to the bulk.

The holographic principle suggests that the fundamental nature of reality may be lower-dimensional or even dimensionless, and that the apparent three-dimensionality of space may be an emergent or derived concept.

This idea is reminiscent of the "flatland" thought experiment in mathematics, where a two-dimensional being living on a plane cannot directly perceive the third dimension, but can nevertheless infer its existence from the behavior of objects in the plane.

The fact that the holographic principle provides a natural framework for understanding the emergence of spacetime and the nature of quantum gravity suggests that the primacy of zero and the properties of nothingness may be deeply connected to the lower-dimensional or dimensionless aspects of reality.


I was wondering if Holography provides a solution to the Vacuum Catastrophe? (The problem of empty space.)
It seems to me that the energy density of empty space predicted by QFT is in contradiction with the observations of empty space in astronomy.
Here, observational astronomy provides a much lower density.
Certainly the Zero Point Energy derivation is incorrect for this situation.
Perhaps a correction needs to be made, and the ZPE should be projected on a Hologram?
Or, perhaps we need to account for the very low sampling frequency of cosmological void.
Perhaps spacetime breaks down not just at a point of singularity, but also in inaccessible void.
I find the problem of empty space fascinating!


Read a book on the holographic theory 20 years ago. Roughly all information, which is just light, never truly disappears from existence, leaving traces of visual data. Just fun to read about and expand our constant understanding or misunderstanding of the universe.


Sean Carroll is the greatest, however with new discovery of James Webb telescope, we have to update our knowledge daily. Just this morning, I read, that Stephen Hawking was wrong and information can't escape from Black Holes


Could it be possible that we saw the mechanisms of this in the shape of an eye? The iris being the black hole the center, and all other dimensions leveling form that?


I listen to this interchangeably with rain on a tin roof and ocean waves because i surely cant make sense of it.


These are the conversations I have with a joint every night before bed


This guy hasn’t got a clue and quite frankly probably wasted a lot of time on all this when the truth is we haven’t got a clue
