Why Nietzsche Dismisses Plato

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Plato would fold Nietzsche like a pretzel


I have always linked Plato's theory of forms with Jung Archetypes and structuralism thinking in general. The thing to argue is that things get their meaning or "role" from its context. As everything gets a purpose from the role it acomplishes within the broader structure it is part of, a word can be a bridge between to people, and a wall between you and some concept. In these cases the word is the same but the roles change. In the same way for instance, examples of walls are things that separate things so my skin can be a wall and a membrane can be a wall, or tradition can be wall. In these cases the role is the same but the "actors" (i. E. Words) change. Plato argued that the roles are eternal, for structures can only have so many roles within them, before you start repeating them with different names, and things (actual objects and words) are only passing actors, incarnating roles as we endow them with context. Jung's idea of archetypes is that everything exist in your mind as a psychic event, and depending on the context and how emotionally charged it is, it incarnates a role, i. E. An archetype.


So what is the argument against it? As in: how does he refute it


It would be interesting if you did a video covering the influence Diogenes of Sinope and the accounts of the philosophers given by Diogenes Laertius had on the formation of Nietzsche's worldview.


The human frame of reference is too limited for us to focus on anything except that which we perceive, doing otherwise requires idleness or unconsciousness. We created the concept of narrative at the dawn of our species' enlightenment to lay a perceptual scheme over a world that we did not and could not understand in it's totality, and all to answer the only worthwhile philosophical question:

"Given that your death and the death of all is guaranteed, _how should you live_ ?" This ought to be what every philosophical question boils down to.


Wasted time and a life on semantics, labels, definitions and "explanations". Instead of living life he spent all of his energy microdefining it. He could never get past 3D existence and labeling everything in it. He made defining his idea of life and all of the monikers he could imagine, fashionable and elitist. He never realized that he is eternal consciousness creating all of the minutia he was attempting to label. And that is exactly what Nietzsche is, minutia, banality, and pretentious uber-defining of that which is. He's a verbose snorefest of the petty and pretentiously overstated.


Make no distinctions between the manifest and the unmanifest. Advaita Vedanta


Nietzsche appears to have thrown the baby of the spiritual out with bath water of religion.
I mean no disrespect to the man but the idea that our perception is the limit of what is real and worthy of our time leaves no room for the timeless.
That’s where love exists.
I admire the man but never felt compelled to follow him too closely because he always comes across as lonely and resentful in his search for love.
And because love always defied his intellectual understanding he missed the boat.
You don’t understand love, you experience it.
Intellectual Understanding comes from a desire to control and there’s no better way to kill love.
How else was God killed if not in the minds of those who believe they understood the unknowable.


Is it just me, or Plato's theory is pretty similar to Schopenhauer's one?


Man what Plata was saying like the complete opposite of what Nietzsche preaches lmaooo


Even if there is, it's a waste of time thinking about it


Ideal forms we esteem are created by us. They aren't something outside the abstract concepts of humanity.


Nietzsche was a Satirist. Lol if you take anything he is saying seriously you lose and he wins. Lol y’all keep treating nietzsche like he is a “philosopher” who’s ideas can satisfy the confines of the essay form your philosophy professor is comfortable with. Lol


Plato was the first to lay the groundwork for Marx with this stupid World of Forms theory.


nietzsche is dorf dorfs they cant talk about gients
