The Truly Terrifying Russian Heavy Cruisers #shorts

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The term "battlecruiser" is used to describe large, heavily armed warships that are faster and less armored than battleships. The Kirov-class battlecruisers are a powerful symbol of Russian naval power. The Kirov-class battlecruisers were a group of four warships built for the Soviet Navy between the 1970s and 1980s. The class consisted of Kirov, Frunze, Kalinin, and Yuri Andropov. These battlecruisers were designed to counter potential threats from the United States Navy's aircraft carriers and surface ships.

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Incorrect description of a Battlecruiser, it's a ship that can either trade armor for speed or armament for armor, cruise range, and speed. The definition of a Battlecruiser is not a simple thing.


Except they don’t have enough parts to leave ports.


Me when its a heavy crusier and not a battleship: no fear 🗿


Finally warships that LOOK LIKE This red deck ship is a beautiful ship..and looks powerful. That has been where America has been making a's warships are NOT intimidating at all and look more like a yacht with a gun. Sorry but Russias got the right idea, america's clearly lost!!


If they have been updated electronically might be effective.


One of those powerful cruisers named the Moskva is sitting at the bottom of the Black Sea. Now I know it's not a Kirov class but it was a Slava class with 16 giant anti-ship missiles that were designed to attack US battlegroups. Losing the Moskva was bad.


I believe a couple of farm boys on the beach tossed a firecracker at it and it caught fire and sank, at least that's the official reason. 😮


Useless … the Ukrainian navy pretty much chased the Russian navy out of Sevastopol - and they don’t even have a navy! 😂


the true symbol and pride of the Russian navy is the invincible cruiser Moscow. Which now lies at the bottom of the Black Sea, where the rest of the Russian fleet belongs.


Absolute JUNK ! ! These videos show them (all 4 ships)as these formodable weapons platforms that would neutralize the US Navy's ships performance record. What the Soviets then, and now the Russians were good at was stealing western technology which has proven to be far superior to anything those countries (you can add China, N. Korea, Iran to this list) could or can produce, this is why these countries want to build large Navies, they adhere to the numbers game, more is better. This strategy allows for massive attrition due to battle losses and equipment failures.

Western countries, the USA in particular, advocate that more is not necessarily better if the units you produce are junk. The majority of their equipment is designed and built using stolen western technology which has been proven it proxy conflicts to be vastly superior to the purloined design built knock-offs. I know your going to say "look at the videos on social media or the evening news, all those video feeds are provided by those countries news outlets which are all state owned and run (socialism 101 anyone?), they put out what they're told or permitted to so all you see is these stupendous pieces of equipment that will annihilate the "Yankee Dogs" to qoute Kim Jun Oink...ooops....Un.
Yes, I know, our news media has been going in that same direction, however, there are far too numerous good alternate news sources that counter the bad (Constitution 101) in the USA.

The old saying goes "the devils in the details", this is relevant here. Just because you acquired plams of western design, does not mean you've also gotten your grubby little mitts on the "how to" of said stolen equipment. Not every aspect of a piece of equipments design, construction & operation are kept in the same files, so you may get only one piece of the puzzle, not the whole.

Based on my years of service, technical knowledge and equipment operational place my bets with western technology every time.😊
