Fundamentalism In the Church Today?

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In this video Gavin Ortlund explains how 20th century fundamentalism and evangelicalism is relevant to the church today.

Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is President of Truth Unites and Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Nashville.







00:00 Introduction
02:45 What is Good in Fundamentalism?
15:38 Fundamentalism Focuses on What It's Against
20:28 Fundamentalism Fails to do Theological Triage
31:35 Fundamentalism Often Fails to Show Love
38:51 Seek Good Faith Dialogue
40:42 Read Church History
42:03 Pray For Revival
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Gavin please let me commend you for being one of the few channels not trying to radicalize us. Your channel feels like a place of rest and safe harbor for me. Bless you brother.


I would wish for every professing Christian in my town to watch this with thoughtful humility. I pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a gravitational center for the mood you are describing.


Gavin you’re my hero, man! Keep fighting the good fight. It’s worth it. We can’t give up on the church and let uncharitable “fundamentalists” destroy the body of Christ. Thank you for your work! Praying for you.


"We're so scared of liberalism that we feel like we can cut corners" That really nails it. I've had conversations repeatedly with people where I say we still have to love our enemies and treat them with grace and compassion and I've been called a liberal for this because it's just so much easier to hit back.


Great video, Gavin! It's a tough time to live as a Christian. The whole world is becoming more polarized, and that is sadly permeating the church as well. Because of you, I have become willing to die on far fewer hills than before. Thanks for your thought-provoking content!


In the wake of your (mis)treatment by Megan Basham, I am sure the difficulties Christian have when they disagree have been on your mind. I commend you for studying this problem, and the gap between fundamentalism and evangelicalism is an excellent place to start. In my studies of the complex relationships that exist between Christianity and science, the bitter debates between young- and old-earth creationists (e.g., AiG vs. RTB and Biologos) have been especially troubling. Your thoughts on "theological triage" and church history are on-target and helpful. May the Holy Spirit give you wisdom as you continue to wrestle with these issues, and may your voice help reunify the Church around the gospel of Jesus Christ!


Great video Gavin thank you for taking the time to do this. God bless you and your family and your ministry. You are helping a lot of us think through things and become better followers of Christ


This might be the best treatment of this issue I've ever seen. Your gentleness and love of truth comes through beautifully. Thank you for all your efforts here, Dr. Ortlund.


Gavin, I so appreciate your heart in this conversation. Our Savior prayed, “Father make them one as You and I are One.” Divisiveness, slander, and gossip are tools of the enemy that are crafted and sharpened for use against the Church. To many of us are gladly wielding the enemy’s tools against our brethren when Christ should draw us together so supernaturally that the world believes He was sent by the Father and that they are loved.


Gavin, I think this was a very important video to make. As you say, this is not the end of the discussion, it is an important one to have, and this is a great way to get that dialogue going.

Fortunately, I have found in the local churches I have attended, in two different states (one with you) and one in Texas, I do not see the vitriolic style of attacking different points of view on second order issues at all. Different views exist, but generosity and humility mark the dialogue we have. And yet, in social media, and some recent books, the dialogue does not show the fruit of the Spirit. Confronting error is necessary, but it must be done with an earnest desire for truth and love for our brothers and sisters clearly evident. As you have done here, we need to call it out, shine a light on the nastiness.

I love your call at the end, for us to pray for revival. Let us be humble, repentant where we need to be and ask for a mighty work of God that transcends and confronts our petty tendencies.

Another great video, Gavin. A well-developed perspective and a very helpful historical context. Thank you.


Solid. I don’t know you and cannot vouch for you but based on your expressed views and admonitions here you merit additional attention and your message here deserves amplification and support.


God has changed the contents of my heart after watching this video. Thank you, Pastor Gavin. All glory to God.


The list of historical figures who are not YEC was quite helpful for showing how some of these issues have been mis-triaged.


I have never seen you pour out your heart so much, and it has been refreshing. It is so necessary for pastors who deal with people's hearts and struggles at times to come out with an open heart as well, and I commend you for it. Thanks for your work, Gavin!


Thank you so much for this, Gavin. I have been dismayed by several podcasts that I started watching but gave up because of the tendency to pull down other ministries. It was the spirit in which it was done that distressed me. So much that bordered on hatred and vitriol. No sense of broken heartedness or praying for those in error and those deemed in error. I wonder how many started out with good purpose - to shine light on darkness and expose wrong behaviour or teaching - but then as time went on and they had an audience to reach and needed new material and they started nit-picking at other ministries. I don’t know but the pride and self righteousness of some of these people just radiate from them. I never watch them now. Your podcast makes me remember that I need to pray for them. I have always been drawn by your Godly, humble spirit, Gavin, and am very grateful for your balanced teaching. May God bless and watch over you, and protect you and your family. Unfortunately the most ravening wolves can often come from within. It must grieve the heart of our Lord.


“This is the fundamentalist tendency: we are so scared of liberalism we can cut corners.” This is so true. Wow.


Pastor Gavin, despite difference i suspect we may have on non-biblical issues, such as politics, or non-essential biblical doctrines. I cannot stress how much I agree with you on these cultural issues.

I know you are reluctant to address them at times, but your diagnosis is so sharp and your ability to think through them rationally and biblically make you one of the most important voices in navigating this foggy sea.

As a young man, raised Pentecostal, and believing we were the only ones to have everything right. listening to you has educated me and allowed me to develop a balanced perspective of the kingdom of God, theology and the Bible.

You are not a lone voice crying in the wilderness, people are listening and you are influencing hearts and minds. All Soli Deo Gloria.

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, Liberty; In all things, Charity.


Excellent overview, Gavin. As a Young-Earth Lutheran in Sweden you have my full support. It seems there is a need for a new way of navigating in the current landscape, just as Neo-Evangelicalism was a new way in the 1950's.


Keep it up Brother. I love your irenic tone. And your facial expressions! The Shepherds for Sale controversy is so painful for you. I too am suffering an untrue accusation/misunderstanding and we carry on, following our Lord. As an old man, I say, Enjoy them while you’re young: your kids, your joints and your studies. God is good.


This is what the church needs. Thank you
