Christian Fundamentalism

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What is Christian fundamentalism and when did Christians start teaching fundamentalism? The movement of Fundamentalism comes during struggles between faith and science, as the teachings of Darwin and others began to concern Christians as it appeared to undermine their understanding of the Bible. This video tells the story of the Scopes Monkey Trial, the publishing of The Christian Fundamentals, and the ensuing culture war between certain Christians and intellectual culture.

About Ryan M. Reeves:
Ryan M. Reeves (PhD Cambridge) is Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Рекомендации по теме

Dr. Reeves, thank you for these insightful and informative lectures. I have been very blessed as I have listened to you and I have learned much about the history of our Faith.


history of religion is so fascinating, I love your channel, keep up the good work!


Another of Reeves' excellent videos!


Thank you, a balanced presentation instead of the usual hit piece. I am a Christian fundamentalist, former professor of medicine and biochemistry. Like some others, I left agnosticism because of the Science, and did not become a Christian till much later when I tried to find errors in the Bible, as I had so many other books. Of course we have our crazies, bigots, frauds and so on. That is true of every group. While in academia I had to hide my beliefs, which is why I eventually left to private practice. The level of vicious dogmatism in the academy today against us is astounding.


Thank you for correcting the misunderstanding of the word Fundamentalism: holding to and reaffirming traditional doctrines and teachings of Christianity and the Bible.


I have enjoyed your remarkable lectures and have recommended them to many others wishing to put religion in a historical context. Thank you.


"KJV Only" goes back before the 20th century. Many Christians back then didn't make a distinction between the original autographs and the KJV.


Machen described fundamentalists, as extra biblical, not sola scriptura.
like prohibition, no cards, no cigars


We have dozens of Billy Sundays preaching on television today.


Dr. Reeves, would you consider doing a presentation on Billy Sunday and Chapman, his mentor?


As for only five, there had been ither groups of evangeliscals formulating the fundamentals of the faith which might have ten or fifteen fundamental doctrines (cannot remeber but do know it was definetly more than five). I think the fact some had their views published and distributed-sometimes for free-cemented the view of five fjundamentals. Me, I sometimes wander why they did not include the Trinity as I see that as very funbdamental.


You hit the nail on the head!! Referring to christian evangelism and fundamentalism, quick to point out the sins of the other person(s) so they feel the all mighty hand to their salvation. This is the main reason, I feel so humiliated by christianiity.


What's the difference between Fundamentalists and Wild eyed fanatics? I have enjoyed your lectures. Even if I don't agree with your statements.


Pre millennialism  in the form of historical pre millennialism goes back to the very early primitive church and predates post and amillennialism, I take it you are only referring to the  dispensational variety?


love the lectures~~~ btw are you going to be doing any lectures on the details of liberal Christianianty/theology?


Who is that painting by? It's awesome!


Inerrancy is given, as it should be, considerable attention here. But, as an aside, it stupefies me when Inerrancy is further qualified by the term "original autographs." I am amazed that so many apparently intelligent people allow themselves to be backed into this ludicrously antithetical corner. Since there are no original autographs, the whole concept of Inerrancy is thus made theoretical, undermining the impetus that drives Inerrancy in the first place. Even the KJV Onlyists, foolish as they are, sense this and ridiculously try to transform the Authorized Version into a new kind of "original autographs, " so to speak. Inerrancy cannot logically be based upon something (original autographs) that doesn't exist. Get over it, Evangelicals, Inerrancy is a matter of faith, period.


At the end you equate fundamentalism with evangelicalism. I would say they are different and distinct. The fact that Billy Sunday had a nice house makes it seem that you are questioning his motives - a big assumption. At the end you pose a false choice: do fundamentalists (you switched to "evangelicalism" here) concentrate on the betterment of society, or saving individuals from that society. That presents a false choice which fundamentalists do not have to make.

BTW, I think you do a great job on the history of Christianity!! Keep up the great work.


In my Christian tradition we don't need doctrines like inerrancy with reference to the Holy Scriptures. We simply say the scriptures are inspired by God the Holy Spirit and are therefore for us God's Word, written. I think doctrines like inerrancy give fuel to the critics and scoffers because inerrancy cannot be successfully demonstrated.


"The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: REPENT YE, AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL." -- Mark 1: 15
