Fundamentalism/Modernism/Neo-Evangelicalism Explained

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As my pastor says, "Satan owns the fence, too." Thank you, this was very helpful.


Ravi Zacharias is super solid. Not sure how he's on your "bad preacher" list. He spoke to an all Mormon audience on two occasions and never heard him compromise the Gospel in any way at any time. If that qualifies as "fellowshipping with the Mormons" then I'm not following your logic at all? Didn't Christ spend time with sinners? That's all Ravi Zacharias was doing. I THINK you need to do more research on that one but, ether way, I appreciate your perspective and exhortation.

2/24/21 UPDATE: We've all learned that Ravi was living in massive unrepentant, sexual sin for at least the last 10 years. I was shocked and saddened. However, you should resist the temptation to respond with the passe, unintelligent "that didn't age well" comment because 1. My argument was in regard to his theology and orthodoxy, which I still think was solid (however in God's wisdom that's possible, given how Ravi seemed to turn all spiritual discernment off once he left the auditorium) and 2. That's now a very unoriginal (and did I mention unintelligent) reply.


I started listening to this out of curiosity and ended up choking back tears because I’ve been riding in the middle and losing my children and grand children because of it. Thank you for your eye-opening talk.


I grew up in a fundamentalist church and had a lot of questions why there's too many don'ts for me to follow growing up. I felt so restrained, but just lately after staying in middle east for 5 yrs and seeing a lot of religion in this place, I am thankful to God that I was born and raised as a fundamentalist. Sure I am not a perfect Christian but I am glad I grew up hearing the correct translation of the Bible. I was so surrounded by truth that everytime I see bethel church or hillsong church in youtube it gives me the creeping feeling like the Holy Spirit is telling me not to listen to them. Even I can't stand finishing sermons of Furtick, all those shouting and prosperity gospel without even opening the Bible is too good to be true. Thank you for your ministry sir. Keep it up. God bless you.


An excellent weather forecast explanation of the 'Christian' climate today. 👌🏻


I returned to my church not knowing it was a fundamental independent baptist. Because of my years from modern churches, I first found that church so religious but I just didn’t want to quench the Holy Spirit telling me to go back and listen to the sermon which touched me and moved me every time. Can’t believe I wasted my years in modernism not caring about the lost, can’t believe not going to soul winning!


Thank you for this work Spencer. My early church days were all modernist churches, Christian rock concerts, passion conferences etc. Once I was saved I moved over to Neo Evangelical and the past several years I have progressively finding myself in the fundamentalist isle. My first notion of it was a strong conviction to steer clear of k-luv and air1. It is nice to see it all laid out, thanks again!!!


Thank you soo much for this. I didn’t even know their is modernism, Neo Ev, and Fundamentalists Christians. I am glad I am watching your videos. I literally thought they were all the same. I thought no matter what church you go to as a “ Christian” you be praising the lord. I am so wrong for having that mindset. I am gaining knowledge and understanding from this.


I listened to Ravi testimony in the Mormon church. They ask him to speak there. He said I will only if I can choose the topic. He explained the Gospel to them in his talk. I personally think this does not count as fellowship with them. This is making use of an open door to witness


Rock and rap are styles of music, it is not the style of music that is the issue but the content that can be the issue, you can have theologically correct rock and rap.


I am having to have a very difficult conversation with my parents and husband. I grew up in a church of God evangelical church and never questioned any of the practices till I came across your channel. To be honest, alot of things are starting to make sense. I really don't know where to go from here. How do I find a church? What do I do if my husband doesn't want to leave our current church? I have a 2 year old and a baby on the way... I don't want them to be swept by the current.


I agreed with much of what you stated, but might I add a suggestion? You gave zero Biblical justification to any of your claims. If a modernist or neo-evangelical were to make the same video, they could justify their stance in the same way that you based your claims. You stated that much was "right" and "wrong" but without scripture it is just bias.


All of yall mad at how he including ravi in the bad preachers list but look what he was involved in now that all these woman have come forward


That was a cool little sermon. I didn’t know the difference between Neo-evangelical and a modernism. I love your motto of ‘doctrine matters’ as it does matter. Hello from New Zealand.


May I recommend Dr. Andy Woods@ Sugar Land Bible Church. He is a Fundamentalist Bible Teacher. I've been so blessed with watching his teachings, which are all available on You Tube. I'm from the UK and very thankful to be attending a Reformed Baptist Church ( having been in the WOF for over 20 years!). No church is going to perfect, but if the Scripture is taught as being ALL sufficient for faith and practice, that is something to be very thankful for in these dark days I think the SOLA's of the Reformation are a good guide to determine whether a church is sound or not. Thank you for your ministry Spencer. Very necessary.


If you put John Piper in the same category as stephen Furtick, its pretty apparent that you don't know John Piper or Stephen Furtick.


Got saved a couple of years ago and I am in a precarious family is Catholic. I go to church at Bibal believing fundamentalist church and everyone else continues to go to the Carholic church. Pray for my family they need saved....


Your discernment gift is so incredible I’m thankful to come across your channel.


Agree 💯 and thank you for having the backbone to say it! Much needed in this world of false teachers!


I grew up going to a Baptist church (east Tn) and then in highschool for about a year I went to a "nondenominational" church. Also, my father was catholic so on the weekends my father would occasionally take us to his church. My husband and I both prefer the "old style" Baptist churches where the pastor actually reads from the bible&discusses it and the worship music that's sung is from a book of hymns.
