The Most Chilling Account of a Hybrid Encounter

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I used “in the name of Jesus” many times during my recurring demonic night terrors to vanquish the evil entities over the last several years and it has worked every time to end it.


One night as I just had layed down for sleep, light off, eyes closed, I saw this nurse walk into my room holding a small tray held high enough to where I could not see what was on it. I then opened my eyes and there she was. I yelled "You get out of here in the name of Jesus and don't you come back again and do not send anyone in your place or anyone to take vengeance on me either." She "poofed".I believe she was trying to inject me with something or whatever. Weird, then again from the age of 5-70 1/2 years old, I've seen, heard, felt, and been physically touched many times by these things. We have witches who live in a subdivision behind me. I believe they astroproject over here too. We see them often. So much goes on here but we are true born again Christians and they can't really harm us. We do get rid of them and more come over. We are in the battle for our souls but we already won through Jesus' death and resurrection.


There's a lot of people who have seen things and don't ever tell anyone because they don't think anyone will believe them


JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR OUR sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


I am so grateful for you coming forward and telling your story! Prior to
being saved from the Catholic faith, false teachings, I had had visits from the demonic side. I had no idea what was going on as each encounter I had was in my bedroom around 5 o’clock in the morning when my husband went to work.

The first encounter I said goodbye to my husband in the morning turned over to my side, heard him leaving the house and suddenly something jumped in bed next to me pulling the covers up. I never did turn at that moment in time as I was extremely frightened and began praying and praying and praying. The following day when my husband left for work in the morning I laid on my back with the thought that if something is coming in my room I will see what it is. From my bathroom area a large red entity with claws, horns and a tail came rushing toward me and pinned me on my bed. No one believed my story, other than my God who cleansed me with the blood shortly after that encounter. From that moment, I would have red vapor floating after my husband as he would say goodbye to me in the morning and I would get on my knees praying and praying and praying.

They are very real and unless you encounter it, you cannot imagine! Praying for our Lord and Savior to come quickly!!❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻


I pray daily that God deliver me from evil. If these entities aren’t evil I don’t know what is. I think he described it well like a model walks on the catwalk. It’s like a sashay. Sometimes you encounter possessed people that hate you for no reason. That which is in them is opposed to the spirit that is in you if you are in Christ..


That demonic thing was just NASTY! I’m so glad that he shared this testimony to make us aware that these things are now approaching us in broad daylight and in public places and not just at night when we are trying to sleep! I shared this testimony & another testimony that was even creepier with my 80-year-old mother who has had zero training in spiritual warfare in either of the “hand-patting, milk not meat” churches that she attends. Sadly, the only spiritual warfare she has received is what she has learned from me. But she lives alone, so I am trying to prepare her mentally in case she ever encounters something from the dark side, so that she will know to rebuke it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Pleading The Blood of Jesus will bring you out of nightmares and in real life drive away the enemy’s! I have taught my daughter this her whole life and she has experienced the proof just like I have! Praise The Lord!!!❤


I have been approached by people who were demon possessed...some were furious with me; one challenged me and threw their lunch at me. wow, what extreme hate I felt. another day, I was talking to a black customer, and these twins brushed rudely into my customer, and gave me a gaze of hate that could make paint peel! these "twins" were impossibly identical; I think they were hybrids. they were about 5ft 8in, had identical bleached blonde hair, past the shoulder, and intense green eyes. they pushed my customer, but while they did, they glared at me with extreme hate. I know the LORD and HIS angels are protecting me, because these various entities clearly would have killed me if they could've. sometimes these "people" seem to want to see me just to challenge me or just to see what a Holy Spirit filled person looks like. In Jesus' name, they can't touch me!


I always pray to God for a hedge of protection before I leave the house.


"We are being plunged into a period of time about which the bible says more than it does about any other period of time in history, including the time that Jesus walked the shores of galilee or climbed the mountains of Judea." ~Chuck Missler


URGENT Emergency Please join me in prayer for all those affected children families animals dire situation in Ukraine Russia and the whole world they desperately need your prayers please pray for them God bless you all


Marzulli, may the lord watch over & bless you!


Great example of exercising the authority we have through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We have authority over these entities and spirits, no need for fear, allow the Holy Spirit to work through you.


One thing about Norwegian people is they do not lie nor do they embellish. If this guy says something strange happened, you can bet that he is telling his truth.


Strong silent prayer
Praise creator endlessly


Went to a Bible study at Chuck Misslers once ... about the nephilim ... I'll never forget meeting him ...
He was one of my radio Bible teachers that lead me to Salvation in Jesus Christ 🙏




I'm thankful to have found this LA. I love Chuck Messler and Nancy. They were both close friends of my Mom. I know alot of Christians restle with this subject. Spiritual warfare is very real!!


Wow what an incredible testimony. Jesus name is all a person has to speak and they disappear. I didn't really know that they are actually walking among us now. That tells me that our blessed hope is very very near. Maranatha!