where is her sister? scary story #shorts

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Dark bro for people who don't get it someone told her that was heaven after killing her sister and dumping her in the forest.
(Damn I used to suck at spelling.)


"911 what's you emergency?" "I think my mommy wants to kill me" making me freeze at the spot recognizing my daughters voice


A long fictional story by me:A girl named Luna was a guest at her friend’s house.Her friend Stacy was her best friend for 5 years but something was off with Stacy.She got nervous everytime Luna and Stacy talked about a sleepover at Stacy’s house.She would change the topic everytime which made Luna curious and angry.Luna went to Stacy’s house to see why she doesn’t like talking about sleepovers at her house not knowing that this will be the biggest mistake of her life.She rang the doorbell and Stacy greeted her nicely which was unexpected.Stacy’s mom brought her ‘special’ food which was prepared by Stacy’s mom.Luna loved the food and ate a lot.Her mom said with a mischievous smile “Well, since you like the food a lot why don’t you be a part of our ‘Special family’ hmm?”.Stacy said she is just joking dont mind her.Luna wondered what she was talking about.Later Stacy’s mom said “Its getting late, Its already 12:00 why don’t you sleep over at our house”.Luna happily agreed and was getting ready to sleep.In the middle of the night she noticed Stacy keft her room.Luna peeked downstairs to see Stacy and her mother leave in a car.She wondered where they left in the middle of the night.As she was heading upstairs she heard loud banging noise coming from the basement.She ignored the sound and went upstairs anyway.Her curiosity blew away her sleep and she said to herself “Well…I should go check.What is the worst that could happen”.She opened the door and…

25 likes for part 2 as it took long

Luna opened the door and suddenly the electricity went out.She got scared and panicked and tripped on the stairs, into the basement.She hit her head really hard and got dizzy.”Ughh what did I get myself into”.She tried to crawl up the stairs as her left foot was bleeding intensely.A loud thud came from behind her.Scared, she turned around.There was no one there but instead she say a footprint of 🩸.She screamed and tried to run upstairs as fast as she could.Just as reached the door, it slammed onto her face causing her to knock back making her faint.She woke up tied with chains in a dark black room.She screamed for her bestfriend but it seemed like no one was near.She struggled and tried to break the chain but she was way too weak for it.She again hears a thud and desperately screams for help.The lights turn on and she saw many other children in the same situation as hers.She tried to talk to them but all of them looked like they were a statue.Just then Stacy’s mom enters with black sunglasses and a black mask on her face.”Who are you, why did u lock me hear do u want something from me?”.”I am surprised you still can’t figure out who I am”.She removed her glasses and Luna froze upon seeing her blood red eyes.”You see this is just my job I got my daughter Stacy to bring me victims amd look how dumb you fell for it”.”No I dont believe you stacy would never do such thing”.”You think you know my daughter better than me huh?”.With a raspy voice luna says “what do you want, will you kill me?”.”no…, well yes but not by myself”.Stacy’s mother laughs mischievously.”You see I capture people and feed them to the rich if you know what I mean”.”And don’t bother escaping because these children are on strict orders that if someone leaves they are going to face a brutal punishment.This was all a plan just so you know”.Luna begged “please let me go I beg you I will give you anything in return”.

Sorry for making this late and sorry for poor vocabulary.Next part at 100 likes.


Explanation if needed: basically the girl can draw where people currently are, and her mum asked her to draw where her sister was, which they assumed was heaven, but she drew the woods, meaning her sisters body is there. (Think this is correct lol)


As i was walking amongst the graves in a graveyard, I saw a small girl crying.
As I asked her what was wrong, she said, through muffled sobs, "no one came to my funeral".


"I'm going to find you!" She shouted, laughing as I hid in a nearby bush.

"I'm going to find you." She muttered as she joined the search party to look for my dead body.


Another one: I used to have a pet cat who wasn’t allowed in my room. Every night I would hear scratching at my door. Now that my cat is dead the scratching is much more concerning


"Whenever my son messes up, he rips off the paper.."
"Hope he doesn't become a tattoo artist.."


“One time I asked my sister for money she said “under my dead body….”
“My family was shocked when they saw my sister dead on the floor with her wallet open….”


" When I was only 5 years old, I was schizophrenic and I saw things that were unexplainable, like tall, dark figures who would stand at the last step of the basement, it was unsettling."

"But what made it more unsettling was the fact my cousin told me she saw it too."


For those who are confused: The other sister drawed a forest because she thought it was heaven and the cops said in the video (That I will not explain due to the video having it) the girl in the drawing drawing is her sister dead. A killer killed her.


"I saw a person in my closet..."

"B-but I live alone"


"The police found my sister's suicide note"

"I'm glad they didn't recognize my handwriting"


here's a sentence that can sound creepy, or loving. "I will always be there"


“ a little boy was walking around his house at night his mom said “ honey go to sleep “ as she carefully guided him to his room in the morning his mom told him about it and he said he didn’t remember it thinking he was sleepwalking they shook it off the next night she woke up and found him walking around the house again with his eyes open like he was brain dead this time in more stricter voice she told him again to go to sleep in the morning she told it about him again he said he didn’t know what she was talking about the next night she found him again sleepwalking this time she was furious because his eyes were open wide she shouted “GO TO BED I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN “ then she heard a noise from the stairs “ mommy why are you yelling?” Turned around she saw her son at the stairs she looked back to the boy he was gone then she saw a knife on the floor. Whatever that was it was not her son.”

The boy who was sleepwalking


“The police found a crushed girl on the street.”
“Good thing no one saw my license plate.”


Here’s a two sentence scary story: a boy said “mommy come here there’s a bug!”
*As the man in the closet curled up back into the darkness the teenager hoped for the man not to know his mom wasn’t home*


Police asked me where my mom was, I said in the dining room eating dinner. They checked and saw nothing and said I was lying. I went and hugged my mom. Yet they asked who are you hugging? I said my mom. “Why is there 3 bowls of food on the table when it’s just for you and your dad?” It’s for mom I said. They looked back at the food and saw it was finished and the door opened and they heard sobbing. I told the police why’d you forget about my mom? You made her cry. They said my mom died 5 years ago.


Part 444 guys so after that Scarlet k*lled herself for Hannah a few weeks later Scarlet was in the hospital one night and heard Hannah said h-h-help me mom I'm still alive! Scarlet ran out her room and saw nothing now Hannah is dead but Scarlet sees her crying and sobing everyday part 5 later!


I'll give a story.

A woman was giving birth to her child but then the doctor asked “Maam are you okay?” the woman throwed up and left the hospital while carrying her baby. She asked to herself, “I miss u sweetheart but i can't find the other pieces i left.” She laughed like a maniac while hugging her head tightly
