The Psychology of Arrogance

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It's probably less than 1% of people who challenge their emotional defenses. They die the same person they were at 7 years old.


As an “empathic” person, arrogant people often intimidate me and make me feel a bit emotional, but now I could see why. It’s because I’m absorbing their hurt behind the facade.


I can only imagine how many people this guy is helping, I know he’s helped me


It's always a good day when Daniel uploads :)


This was a tough one to listen to given how arrogant I used to be (and still am). The more I've come to know myself, the deeper it seems that this shield of arrogance goes, as if nearly every thought I have in my mind goes through some filter of 'specialness' before making its way into consciousness. I hope one day to maybe not break the walls but let them slowly melt and let the vulnerable scared boy out to a place he finally feels safe and accepted for who he always was. No more need to chase some idealised reflection, he can just be himself, as imperfect and lovable as he always was. Just a boy.


My mom is one of the most arrogant people I know. It's interesting how she raised 3 empathetic children but never herself became one.
She has narcissistic tendencies. I grew up wishing I had a different mother every day.


My old therapist used to say "the bigger the front, the smaller the person behind it working the controls". I found that to be true, in particular when I used to be a voluntary harrassment and bullying adviser in addition to a paid role at a university I worked at. An incredibly arrogant and often rageful academic asked to see me in his office. I was crapping myself thinking I'd be in for a roasting for something I'd 'got wrong' with some work. He actually wanted my advice as he felt he was being bullied by other academics. He had tears rolling down his cheeks and looked like a scared little boy. As I sat with him I thought back to what my therapist had said and realised just how terrified this man was inside. I now only ever see that scared child when I witness such an arrogant facade and genuinely feel quite sad for them.


I was thinking about my parents yesterday. How their inability to connect with their childhood and feelings made them unable to emphatize with me. You wideo is very handy on my journey. I am working on being more vulnerable, but its very uncomfortable, raw, and painfull.


It's pretty sad because they end up pushing people away and cementing in their minds the belief that people don't want them, and that is so painful that then they need to create a shell to distort the reality and make themselves believe that it's other people who are the issue and that the arrogant shield protects them. I see this in my father and in myself. It both protects from enmeshment (as a sort of warped boundary) and the feeling of abandonment (because you become the one abandoning and rejecting people)


Im studying psychology in Sweden, its my first year, but i have been interested for a long time. I love you man, you are awesome, love the authenticity, your sharp analytical skills and general wisdom in life.


“Authentic Self” is a term that comes to mind that the arrogant self is hiding. Somewhere along their environment sent them a signal that it isn’t safe to be your “Authentic Self”.


When you started describing arrogance, I immediately went "Am I that bad? I AM that bad, holy shit!"


I have battled with arrogance and it's shameful to say.

It is very destructive.


Daniel: I like your honest, humble, vulnerable self a lot. You are a great friend whether you know it or not. Your sharing helps me so much.


You have no idea how much your videos help me think, again.


My narcissistic mother underwent through some extreme narcissistic mortification recently that resulted in her having a suspended jail sentence for a white collar crime (she did commit it) and now she found something else to be arrogant about (renovating her new house). Some people are beyond help!


I learned arrogance from my violent parents. They made their own rules. They ignored societal rules. I, unfortunately thought unwittingly or learned in the same way until I opened up. Now, I feel good.


When they’re in love with their idealized self.
Image management.


Whenever I see the notification that you just posted a video I'll literally stop in the middle of whatever I'm doing to watch it....😅
I like watching them....they are valuable to me


you described me perfectly in the final segment. i was so so arrogant when i was in graduate school and i was simply covering up wounds and pathological insecurity coupled with imposter syndrome. it only lasted a couple of years before it all came crashing down and i've been struggling with the weak, insecure child underneath ever since. it's been horrific.
