Coercive control: do you know what it means? | Susan Lagdon | TEDxStormont

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I wish this video had the millions of views it deserves.


I love the head shoulders knees and toes model of what to ask yourself. Thank you for putting it together and sharing it. ❤


Excellent. Thank you for this information


I love head shoulders knees & toes!!!


Thank you that was very interesting, informative and helpful to listen too.


Anybody who was involved with my abuse with my abuser are going to get in trouble and lose everything.


Slow escalating abandonment once I was completely isolated by constant illness, death of family members (mother and father), and total dependence upon them. Then EVERYTHING changes, and he sits as guard hovering over and commanding attention as he tells me how crazy I am. Takes one of my shoes and hides it or my medicine by handfuls. Or smokes pot and drinks alcohol demanding that I don't spend money, don't go anywhere and there is nowhere to go because he was the one training me by taking me out to places. Not until the 20th year of marriage did family die, and then his plan can be actualized. Making best friends with brothers so that no one support me.
He works for internal revenue or homeland security so I am afraid of such a government force. I am a minority, disabled (botched surgery where sterylization upon marriage) and loss of teaching credential for multiple Hospitalized government insurance. So never will be safe as have been completely and organizationally destroyed. Now am a senior and fear death or more suffering illness. Alone abandoned by a country that I chose to give all my allegiance to.
I never knew how our government uses officers to hunt down minorities and torture them.
There is no help. I've tried everyone and was scoffed and given governmental organizational, coersive control, and imminent death.
Now the insurance that has cut ne to pieces has changed to no longer any same doctor that knows history. All information is removed as forced to have no more blueshield of California. When asking for a therapist when i was steilized they referred me a doctor the author of 'The Exorcist' ... and on and on and on and on....


I won’t take it back. I’m being abused by my partner and the community surrounding me. Cowards. No integrity. Your going to get in trouble 💯


My monster will pay. One way or another.
