Junior High Besties! PART 2! 💄 | The Vi Life VIP Access Episode 23 | Rainbow High

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Hi Vi Hive! 👋 Here's PART 2 of "What If Ruby, Poppy, Sunny, Jade, Skyler and I Met in Junior High?" 🌈

Picture this: Ruby and Skyler just accused Sunny of stealing a purple cardigan from the mall! 😲 Sunny is totally 😢 but Jade pops in to give her some advice on waterproof makeup 💄 and asks if she's okay, of course. I come in and spill the real tea! Tune in to watch a junior high edition of our bestie moments! 🌈 Like and subscribe, Vi Hive. 😘

Make sure to tune in at 8:30 am PST on Friday for new episodes of Rainbow High, The Vi Life, and Kontent with Karma!

Watch more Rainbow High here!

Your favorite fashion dolls are making their colorful dreams come true at Rainbow & Shadow High! Here, self-expression & creativity rule both schools — and the possibilities are endless when they all work together. Tap into your imagination and tune in as they learn to really let their true colors shine!

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