Minecraft Live: Vote For The Dweller

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🛠️ Special thank you to my team for helping me making these videos:
- Developer: Smelly
- Builders: Davdi, Junopii, NotSumNerd
- Art: ItsBeez, PringleBeaver, JWX, Kio, BeckBroEYTube

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Minecraft, but I coded the perfect mob vote. If you enjoyed this video, check out the other 5 episodes of the mock vote series! Or also, I coded your ideas in Minecraft may interest you!
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Wow the dweller glows, and it kinda is like the rascal but 100x better. It also adds life to the ancient cities, and I wish this is in actual minecraft for also bedrock players.


I think the dweller is an absolute masterpiece, yes, its very similar to the rascal, but i think that the idea of risking a death in an ancient city, but potentially wining a maybe OP pickaxe would be great, plus the desing is sick and very convincing that it lives there, im totally going for him


The Dweller is the practical choice, but you can't say no to the Warped Tongue! Look at how cute it is!


The Dweller is the most perfect thing I had ever seen in life


Man these mobs are so unique. I love this!!


What is needed for a mob vote:
1. An annoying evil one
2. A useless one
3. One that seems cool but is explained terribly

So every time the cool, poorly explained one wins. Phantom, Allay, Sniffer, Glow squid, etc.


The lush beetle looked pretty cool imo.


I think the Lizard would win this in a real mob vote because peeps are sick of more potentially cool mobs that became annoying disappointments (phantom) and villager looking mob is just gonna add to the background of humanoid mobs having a pet lizard you can carry around with almost no risk of it dying (from dumb falling-off heights ai or getting shot) plus defending you against projectiles is both adorable and super useful.


I love the 3 mobs and they are very unique and can work well in vanilla Minecraft, hares my idea on how they can be found and how they work in Minecraft.

Banshee: Banshees can spawn in forests with a low chance, but the chance is higher in dark oak forests. They will appear invisible and you'll need to use a spyglass or look out for it's shadow to see where it is, when it reaches you, it will take you to the void, but it will take it 10sec to do so, you can avoid being suck to the void by hitting it. Banshees can also spawn in villages disguised as a villager, the banshee will act as normal villager but it can't take a job or be protected by an iron golem when you hit it, the disguise will only wear off it it's night time.

Dweller: Can be found in ancient cities, but has a low chance on spawning. You can trade souls, which can be collected when killing mobs on a sculk catalyst, you can trade it for good stuff such as diamonds, enchanted books, and armor.

Warp tounge: Can be found in the warp forest, has a low chance, it can camouflage to it's sorroundings making it hard to find, when you find it you can feed it a warp fungus to tame it, it will then go on top of your head and protect you from projectiles like arrows and fireballs. You will need to feed it after sometime tho.


The Dweller and the Warped Tongue both look really good and look like they would be fun to have in game. But out of those two I'd do the Warped Tongue.


That warped mob looks very wholesome and cute so I’d pick that to add to my mob zoo on my HC world


team pickle for the win

LOVE how the banshee turns out!


Dweller would be a really good mob. But the banshee would make mc even more scary which id love


The warped tongue could also punch nearby enemies to help you out n be more useful


4:24 =sweats= I've already drawn Knarfy in a skirt/dress once, tempting me to do it again. stop. 4:39 =sweat intensified= 👀 Also really wish we had cape/hoodie combos like this on OR. D:
5:34 with the smokeyness on it's back, it feels like something that lurks in the shadows. Ninja Wolf lol.
8:12 If he nomz on Ghasts attacks too, 10/10 . I want to see smoke leave his mouth every time he eats a fireball though haha.


Pickles pickles pickles This was such a fun video to be a part of and record! Thank you systemzee for the wonderful opportunity! The banshee turned out really really well 😁😁


Awesome video SystemZee! I am so glad I was a part of it! Even though I died pretty early lol! 😂


Thanks for not eliminating me! But looks like the Dweller has some serious competition


banshee would be a cool mob, it spawns near bedrock, above hell or at the bottom of the main world, in big rooms
