Job Readiness Work Camp Inspiring and making a great impact #southdallas #jobinterview #reentry

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// Job Readiness Work Camp Inspiring and making a great impact

Oasis Center offers an in-person intense 5 day, 5 hours per day (9 am – 2 pm) Job Readiness work Camp (JRWC).

This class is offered as a prerequisite for most of the living wage jobs offered through the South Dallas Employment Project (SDEP) – a prerequisite for free vocational certifications to qualified participants, and industry recognized certification training offered through the SDEP.

The camp provides job readiness, life and cognitive skills, resume writing, job search assistance, and job placement with corporate partners. Adult education, ESL and on-site low-energy training and placement are available.

For more information, please contact:

Ruth Burton
972-437-3801 Ext. 2
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