Transformers Movie History: Ironhide Origin Story 'How he met Optimus Prime'

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Ironhide movie origins finally revealed.


What's up you guys? My name is RBG and welcome to my video segment, Transformers Movie Universe History. In a previous episode I did a video covering the origins of our Decepticon hitman turned Autobot Samurai, Drift. That upload is steadily climbing in views, currently clocking in at around 9000 hits so I have to say thanks to all who took time to watch. I also wanna remind you that we're currently doing giveaway for the Deluxe Class Optimus Prime Autobot Legacy 2-Pack set. To enter in a chance to win all you have to do is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video. Later in the month I'll announce the winner. But anyways let's get back into the main topic. As mentioned in all my videos that I myself am well aware of the hate the Bay films receive and have to agree that most of it is warranted. But I wanna take you guys on a journey and show you some of the positives this universe has to offer because if we're gonna be honest there are certain characters in the films that don't get their just due. Just a heads up if you haven't seen the movies or read the comic book material used in this video, it will come off a bit spoilerish. So be advised. In today's video we'll be uncovering the origins of the O.G. Autobot who's tough as nails, Ironhide. A lot of my subscribers wanted me to do a video on this guy's history and man I completely understand why. He just has that it factor that the producers are desperately trying to recapture with some of the newer characters. But you simply can't emulate Ironhide because he's in a league of his own. As he was & still is 1 of the top normal size robots who's weapons feature over 10,000 CGI pieces each. That's right, Ironhide's guns alone have more pieces than some of the other Transformers.

¿Qué pasa chicos? Mi nombre es RBG y bienvenido a mi segmento de video, Transformers Movie Universe History. En un episodio anterior hice un video que cubría los orígenes de nuestro asesino Decepticon convertido en Autobot Samurai, Drift. Esa carga está aumentando constantemente en vistas, actualmente registrando alrededor de 9000 visitas, así que tengo que agradecer a todos los que se tomaron el tiempo para mirar. También quiero recordarles que estamos haciendo un sorteo para el juego Deluxe Class Optimus Prime Autobot Legacy de 2 paquetes. Para participar en una oportunidad de ganar, todo lo que tienes que hacer es suscribirte y dejar un comentario en este video. Más adelante en el mes, anunciaré el ganador. Pero de todos modos volvamos al tema principal. Como mencioné en todos mis videos, yo mismo estoy al tanto del odio que reciben las películas de Bay y tengo que estar de acuerdo en que la mayor parte está justificada. Pero quiero llevarlos a un viaje y mostrarles algunos de los aspectos positivos que este universo tiene para ofrecer, porque si vamos a ser honestos, hay ciertos personajes en las películas que no obtienen lo que les corresponde. Solo un aviso si no has visto las películas o leído el material del cómic utilizado en este video, saldrá un poco spoiler. Así que ten cuidado. En el video de hoy vamos a descubrir los orígenes de la O.G. Autobot que es tan duro como las uñas, Ironhide. Muchos de mis suscriptores querían que hiciera un video sobre la historia de este tipo y el hombre entiendo completamente por qué. Él solo tiene ese factor de que los productores están tratando desesperadamente de recapturar con algunos de los personajes más nuevos. Pero simplemente no puedes emular a Ironhide porque está en una liga propia. Como era y sigue siendo, es uno de los mejores robots de tamaño normal cuyas armas tienen más de 10,000 piezas de CGI cada una. Así es, las armas de Ironhide solo tienen más piezas que algunos de los otros Transformers.
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The highly anticipated episode is finally here. As mentioned in the video the giveaway is still going so if you leave a comment on this video like you did the other you have a higher chance of winning. Also the next episode of Transformers Movie History is up on my Patreon. So if you wanna watch it early then by all means join the movement and support the cause.


Ironhide is definitely that old veteran soldier that takes no nonsense from anyone


finally, we get the origin of one of the greatest Autobots next to Prime himself.
Ironhide was a great character, hec if anyone should be getting a solo movie it should be him, truly sad when he died,
this was an awesome vid dude, keep up the great work


that sucks ironhide is one of my most favorite autobots
he was killed by sentle prime who is a false prime .Thank you RBG for making this video.


He is my favorite transformer of all time and if he havent been killed in DOTM he would sourvive through AOE no dobut abou it. Hound is cool but he will never be better than Ironhide


The fact that ironhide already suspicious towards sentinel really adds the pain


He is a great weapon expertise specialist.


theses comics alone have so much more story and character development than the movies!


These origin videos keep getting better n better
Great job 👌💯🔥


Dude You’re one of my favorite Lore YouTubers our there especially since the Movieverse lore doesn’t get enough love but you fill that gap perfectly


Bayverse Ironhide is the best iteration of the character and one of my all time favorites.


Nice to see more videos. You produce consistently good content. You never disappoint. I wish you the best luck. 🖒


12 cannon salute to Ironhide the coolest looking autobot along with rachet, sideswipe, leadfoot, jazz, Roadbuster, dino, jolt, sisters and the twins


Hey that's what's up RBG bringing us the best Orgin Content and about my boy IronHide 😎 hey do u know if u can do an Orgins story of Blurr?


I love these!!! Will you do more idw stories I really would like a last stand of the wreckers and all hail megatron


Hell, if that had been the movie it would have been a hit


I love how you use the Hymn of the Faith from Final Fantasy X to set the mood. That song has been stuck in my brain since I was a kid. Whenever I went into one of the temples in FFX that song would play and it set this eerie yet comfortable atmosphere.


I’m so glad there’s people like u in the world who still talk about this


Love your origins storys, with the bayformers always changing their storys!


Great vid dude! i loved Ironhide, he was one of my favorite autobots from the bayformers! Please keep these videos coming!
