How Mirage Really Died in the Transformers 🤖#shorts 🙄#transformers

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#shorts #transformers #riseofthebeasts
This is how Mirage really died in the Transformers movies. Its no secret that these characters are just put there for the sake of vehicle promotions. Our boy Mirage or should I say Dino was just put there because Michael Bay wanted that sexy Ferrari bot to steal the show in TF3. And this would turn out to be a marketing headache for the studio. Since Hasbro's greatest competitor Mattel had an exclusive license for Ferrari toys, Ferrari didn't want their product placement sporting the name of a Hasbro toy's trademark. This is why the character is named after the son of the founder of Ferrari. These unecessary hurdles are most likely why Mirage was written off by the time TF4 rolled around and just declared dead. Apparently he would've gotten a proper onscreen death in TF3. In a scrapped script Starscream kills Mirage while helping out the humans getting out of the skyscraper. If you're going to kill off a character at least let die at the hands of the most badass Decepticons.

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Michael Bay is like
"Add character, Kill character, repeat"


Fun fact, Mirage is actually chilling in Cuba


If I was him I would be pretty pissed off I got killed by a Dorito


I still believe that “Starscream” is one of the coolest names in all of fiction


Dino actually survived. We know he didnt die in Dark of the Moon, and the Cemitary wind cards say he wasn't killed by them. So he is actually just hiding out on earth


Mirage was found in Cuba with the last of the Wreckera in TLK, so...


"He was in a bad mood to join TF4. He didn't want to talk to anybody that day."

FR, the original script was that he was gonna die instead of Que. Didn't you see the deleted scene? In the deleted scene we see the same scene where the autobots get captured and instead of Que, it's Dino who gets picked to die first. As he walks up while his arms are still up, the decepticons shoot him down until he falls on the ground and dies. But an error could be seen, because in the scene where the autobots fight, we get a motion blur and we see a red figure in the distance. Maybe Dino survived or that was an animation error.

In fact, the real reason why he didn't show up in TF4 is because his voice actor died. But there's a chance he could still be alive thanks to the official cemetery wind cards in a website and it seemingly confirms that Dino COULD still be alive, or maybe I'm wrong. Because on Leadfoot's card it implies he's still alive even though we saw his fate in Cade's TV. So maybe Dino might have gotten the same case, where his card says he's alive but he died and his card wasn't updated. What do you guys think?


Nah, mirage is actually still alive. He's hiding out on earth using his camo ability. Plus cemetary wind's cards comfirm he's alive


I'd rather he wasn't killed and he is part of the survivers. Using his invisibility mode to help figure out who's hunting the Autobots. Oh.... why'd I just think of this for my stories? 😆 Thanks RBG. So yeah he's not dead to me though he's not entirely G1 either. Idk if a backstory like Dino is his cover name and he doesn't trust the humans to tell them his name is Mirage would have been a good idea with many fans.


Mirage has been an Autobot icon for nearly 40 years. His treatment and lack of a proper death was just downright disrespectful. 😠


Ferrari would’ve declared a lawsuit if they showed mirage getting killed 💀


For a long time I always thought he was cliffjumper after rewatching recently I realized


Dino had one of the best transformers movies designs


Man got two deleted death scenes planned, and he still ended up surviving the movie, and even Cemetery Wind according to the CW cards. He's one lucky little prancing horse!


one of my favorite transformers ever he looks clean asf and they do him dirty by not killing him off properly unexcusable.


i still believe megatron ripping jazz in half was crazy because it was so calm and just a reason to kill off jazz 😂


Rest in peace to all the autobots who died


Mirages voice actor actually died not long after dark of the moon was released


I swear, I'm getting closer and closer to hounding the studio with demands for an extended edition with all these deleted scenes


The only reason why mirage/Dino was script off for Tf4 was because the Voice Acter had passed away.
