Dr. Thean Reacts: Does Anabolic Steroids Cause Acne? | Ensoul Medical Clinic

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Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances derived from the male hormone - testosterone. While anabolic steroids can have several beneficial effects, they can also lead to various side effects, which include an increase in sebum production, altered hormone levels, skin inflammation, and bacterial growth.
While all these side effects from anabolic steroids create an almost perfect environment for acne bacteria to thrive, it is important to note that not everyone who uses anabolic steroids will experience acne, and the severity of the acne symptoms can vary widely among individuals. Factors such as genetic predisposition etc.
But what about this gentleman? Find out what Dr. Thean has to say.
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While all these side effects from anabolic steroids create an almost perfect environment for acne bacteria to thrive, it is important to note that not everyone who uses anabolic steroids will experience acne, and the severity of the acne symptoms can vary widely among individuals. Factors such as genetic predisposition etc.
But what about this gentleman? Find out what Dr. Thean has to say.
#steroids #steroid #fitness #acnetreatment #inflammatoryacne #acne #noninflammatoryacne #drkenneththean #drkt #drchiam #drchiamchiakteng #drct #ensoul #ensoulmedicalclinic #ensoulmedical #ensoulclinic #medical #aesthetic #laser #laserclinic #singapore #clinic #sgclinic #skinhealth #aestheticclinic #aestheticclinicsingapore #skincare #beauty #facial #skincare #skincaretips #beauty #beautytips #pimplepopper #pimple #acne #acnescar #acnescars #scars #texturedskin #glowyskin #acneskin #acnemakeup #cysticacne #acnehormonal #pimples #pimplepop #ance #yourenotalone #together #teenproblems #teensadvice #pimpleremover #facecare #pimplepatch #redpimple #cysticacne #cysticacnehealing
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