I Broke The Harvard Implicit Bias Test

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"Diversity Trainers" everywhere are using the Harvard Implicit Bias test to show test takers that they are racist. I found a simple way to get whatever results you want to get.

If you want to take the test and ruin their findings like I did, try it out here:

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Lovely material thank you for doing this brother!


It was an implicit bias test not a racist test. It doesn't just apply to race. Speed is the key beacuse it is a subconscious thought.
What you fail to see in your assessment is race itself is a social construct, for you to even acknowledge it and defend it proves you have a clear understanding of its value.
You did not defeat the test you are rationalizing and defending the concept of race, now ask yourself the question why.


Having bias and being racist are not the same thing.


Lol...seems like everyone saw what was between the lines beforehand (regarding the button sorting). I've taken the same IAT a couple of times...different results each time.

I wonder, too. If someone has an attention disorder, how much would that impact his/her reaction time?


This test is the most laughable nonsense I've ever seen.

I would be considered racist by most leftists because I am socially conservative, despise the BLM pro-crime movement, and despise academic leftists as a whole.

Yet! I passed this test with flying colors due simply to the fact that I can follow directions and pay attention to detail.


It seems just to mess with em if u were forced to do it at work is just hit the same button for every word "murder" ya thats awsome, motherhood, love that too, joy, i love it, black fella? Love it, white dude? Love it too
