Air Compressor Maintenance - A few tips to keep your small air compressor in top shape!

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Check out this video for a few maintenance items to keep a small air compressor in good serviceable condition.

Drain the tank, clean the filters and change to oil to synthetic of the recommend viscosity.

AMSOIL Compressor Oil:

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I'm so dumb, I did not realize my air compressor had an air filter (despite it literally being an AIR COMPRESSOR ). Thank you for posting this.... Man, I don't deserve power tools.


I’ve got the same exact compressor and I wanted to see what was needed for maintenance! This video was perfect, thanks


The water in the tanks comes from the humidity in the air. Good video.


Thank you sir! Bought mine 2nd hand at yard sale for a cheap airbrush...but did not know anything about maintenance on these ! Very helpful video and appreciated


I’ve never been diligent about draining the air or the moisture from my upright 26 gallon compressor. I replaced the drain valve with an extended tank drain valve assembly which makes it very easy and convenient to drain it now. They’re available on Amazon and from HD. After seeing the YouTube showing an exploded small tank, I’m concerned about having this huge tank in my garage. It’s 15-18 years old.


This was very helpful and the bonus was that this is the exact compressor I have. Thanks!


Thank you! I don't think anything you said was too basic for those of us that know nothing about them. I have my father's now and have never used one. 👍


I have the same Craftsman compressor model (mine was manufactured in 2007). Recently it stopped generating pressure beyond 30-40 PSI and would run continuously. I thought it was a bad pressure regulator, but it turned out to be a blown upper head gasket. This gasket seals between the head intake and exhaust chambers, and my gasket had blown out between the chambers. Once I replaced the gasket it worked perfectly.


Excellent, I'm even more impressed when I run into someone with my exact model! I picked one up from a home gamer who didn't maintain it and I got it running, but now I want to properly maintain, this covered exactly what I need. In filling the oil, you showed the sight glass, but didn't say how high to fill. I'll seek the manual as suggested, thumbs up.


I've got that same compressor; I use it for little stuff. I've been really happy with it. Thanks for the video.


Just rebuilt an old Sears compressor from the 80's. I watched your video to ensure that I didn't miss anything. Seems I did just fine. Amsoil Dealer, Tom Young. :)


Thanks. Everything I needed to know in one video. Cleaning up a decent size air compressor handed down from my Grandpa to my Dad and now to me. Still works like a champ!


Glad I watched this. I'm fairly new to this and didn't realize my offset compressor needed to be tilted to drain. I just did that and a good 1/4 cup of liquid came out. Thanks!


Drain cocks are a PITA on larger compressors because you have to kneel down and sometimes need a tool to open them. It's such a hassle people often forego the important step of draining the tank. Install a 1/4" NPT elbow, a small threaded pipe section or nipple to hold accumulated water, then a small 1/4 turn ball valve, and lastly a hose barb to attach a small hose to an appropriate location. I like to use all brass or stainless for the pipe sections.


Just purchased my first air compressor, a 2.5HP unit which will suffice for what I am doing. I did enjoy watching your video and learned a few things, so many thanks my friend.


If you are replacing the drain valve, buy the style that opens with a half turn. It makes draining a tank very easy.


That's a case of maintenance with your 200 yrs experience did anybody think instead of patching the tank, you throw it away? Because it was obviously so rusted to the point it had a hole in it! Glad I saw this! I was in the market for a used air compressor and so now I'm not. Thank you for posting!


Thanks! I had this same compressor given to us by a neighbor ten years ago. It had no hoses or a working regulator. Replaced both and it is working strong. Now I need to give it some TLC so it can last for many years to come.


Cleaning the air compressor with an air compressor!! I wish I had two!


This was extremely helpful. i love the pace of your video by the way. Great stuff
