Quantum Mechanics PROVES Ancient SECRET KNOWLEDGE…

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Quantum Mechanics PROVES that ancient secret knowledge hidden in the Egyptian book of the dead, cults, and secret societies were RIGHT but why is the public unaware of this? The knowledge revealed in this video will change the way you look at your life and existence forever and shows that you are eternal.

The discoveries in quantum mechanics, science’s most successful theory, shows that matter does not exist, everything behaves like immaterial waves, and that entangled particles across the universe can somehow communicate with each other instantly. Even though quantum mechanics has completely obliterated the idea that reality is material, the general public still believes that this is material reality. Don’t you find that strange?

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Imagine everyone in the whole world enjoying life as we did when we were young, full of wonder and creativity, imagination. Imagine us all loving each other as a brother or sister and loving ourselves, imagine us all loving this planet and doing what's best to live in harmony with nature. Thats the world I want to live in.


Wow a friend just sent me this .This has been my passion since I retired from the FDNY 20 years ago . I tell folks I Marry Quantum Mechanics to Ancient mysticism been laughed at many times LOL but going down this path has taken me to Egypt with John A West becoming a Freemason and a Rosicrucian studying Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea scrolls about a hundred books the biggest and toughest to plow through being The Temple of Man by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, many on line college courses in Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Astronomy . I wish I had your ability to articulate this so simply .Well done and thank You.


As someone with existential ocd, this concept feels like a great big hug! It all makes sense and feels so comforting. Thank you Morgue💕


I came to this conclusion years ago, after the 'we are all one' phase I realised 'there is only one' the same but different. It was like someone switched on the lights. This has happened at least twice in my life, illumination through realisation.


This just resonates so deeply. It’s truth that requires nothing from you, just embracing your individual and unique “self”.


Morgue, I'm intrigued. The mysteries, has been focal point of my, Studies for 9 plus years. This is the first time Ive seen it presented in, The proper organized format. It's not religion, its fundimental laws of reality. Literally nail on the head. Religious, doctrines are a allegorical explanations for the purpose of understanding reality, Remembering this is before, We had modern science terminology too draw from. All sectors, of doctrines have overlapping high knowledge, of the workings of reality. The micro rhymes with the macro. Thank you, for your dedication too the mysteries, and the pursuit of knowledge. Your channel has fit so many pieces together, for so many. The mind is a lock, you are the key. Thank you!


Hello, I am a physician, a neurosurgeon with other medical specialties and have an interest, as many people, in the eternal questions of life and existence. It is my opinion that ancient civilizations, groups, tribes, religions, and philosophies intuitively "knew" or sense by observational and contemplation work what quantum physics is. As in many instances in which a "new discovery is made", it takes observational work that become ideas, hypothesis, then theories, and eventually they become "science" once that a phenomenon is proven in the lab by applying current earthly technological tools. Therefore, it is true that ancient civilizations were able to perceive how phenomena affect earthly physical objects and humans, but they failed to prove such phenomena making the same mistake as people after Plank: trying to explain quantum physics using classical physics and due to the fact that such states can coexist; as we know, quantum physics and classical physics do not follow the same mathematical and physical rules since they function at another dimensional level in which the core and essence of all phenomena is energy that works at different levels (dimensions) with different mathematical models. A glance from inside the box to the outside using pure science is shown with the work of a great scientist in the area of medical biophysics: Peter Petrovich Gariaev in which he show in the lab how any living organism's DNA has electromagnetic waves or frequencies that can be reproduced and these "waves" leave an imprint in places or environments, besides, these waves can influence matter (that is why it is so difficult to measure in the lab quantum physics). Recently also deceased, Luc Montagnier, another Nobel prize in medicine also did some important work with what he coined "water memory." Since we are energy at a subatomical level (quantum physics), we all are connected, not only human to human but also human to our surrounding world. I use the example of a school of fish or a flock of birds, or any other animal and plant that coexist in this world in a symbiotic harmonious exchange of energies to how quantum physics work. That is why one can be alive and death at the same time, here and elsewhere at the same time; it is not a thought or a state of mind issue, it is a reality within a reality entangled and coexisting as one wholeness. I apologize for my long dissertation.


Wow, really impressive how you can take something we all want to know but hurts our head to think about.. and communicate it in away that we can understand. Genius. Thank you for sharing and doing whatever you had to do to become so direct and concise.


"The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." — The Kybalion.


"It doesn't matter." "Nothing matters." Lol. "What's the matter with you.?"


Thank you for breaking it down so concisely. I can wrap my head around why there are hundreds of hours of videos on this topic in the Conscious community without drawing conclusions on the knowledge they’re spittin. They stay debating over Oshun and Ogun or Hebrew Israelite vs Nation of Islam!!! None of that sh!t matters guys! This video took less than 15 minutes to drop jewels and explain so thoroughly from point A to point B. I hope those guys are taking notes 📝


Its definitely time we all woke up. And I think it's already happening in these days and times.


As someone who’s majoring in physics, I gotta say quantum mechanics is my favorite area of study. It is definitely math-heavy and counterintuitive. The act of simply observing a particle can affect said particle is evidence of the mind-reality connection (quantum mechanics is the building blocks of reality and the macro-scale world). Or take for example the fact that the universe is not locally real, which is an insane statement to those that are familiar with the concept of local reality. I’m trying to understand how the mind fits into all this, so I’m also taking some neuroscience classes. Quantum mechanics is truly mindblowing. Someone should definitely study quantum mechanics and neuroscience together. I think it would reveal a lot about our consciousness and the universe.


This was so well done. You bring all the material together and present it in such a dynamic and interesting way


The book
Tao of physics
Explained this well showing modern quantum physics and Eastern philosophy


Thanks for accelerating the spiritual awakening on the planet. I appreciate that bro. 👍


Morgue what do you think of David Icke?
Just watched
Arcadia " this will give you goosebumps "
Exact same subject that reality is just a projection.


For the very first time you're in the threshold of the right path.
Keep delving into the subject and you'll be surprised of what you'll learn.
Track this ancient knowledge through time and see where it concludes.
This is the absolute!


Last night I was meditating and came to a conclusion that: " LOVE" ( the Word we use ) is the Source of all the Universe( s). All creation. It's SO radiant, bright, innocent, nurturing, SO strong and SO PURE that it is an Intelegence all its own.! It conquers all because of " ITs" intensity.


Why do you ignore the ancient vedic knowledge? It explains everything.
