Anaesthesiologist seen on security camera exiting room where IV bags were kept

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Tiny holes were found in the bags that were in the room where IV bags were kept.
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This is just evil. Why would anyone bust their ass in medical school and do all the exams and take all the loans etc and finally make it to being a doctor just to harm people? Why?


Credit to his peers for spotting this suspicious behaviors and reporting it.


The cops need investigate his work history. If he has excessive deaths under his care.


If this is another Dr. Death situation and people have been reporting this man for years, the Texas medical board needs to be under investigation as well. This is crazy!


This is beyond scary. Most of us, at some point in our lives are at the mercy of Healthcare providers and to think ppl are this sick is beyond my understanding. If only I could survive on another planet.


Anyone in the medical field should be held to the highest standards


I had surgery once and the Anesthesiologist was someone I knew bc he lived in my neighborhood and we had issues at one point. I stated I did not want him involved with my surgery (it was at the hospital where he worked) and I was assigned someone else. While I was under, the neighbor I requested not be there took over (no one can tell me why) and I was given every drug on my drug allergies list. I had complications after and discovered the drugs given and the neighbor that gave them that wasn't even supposed to be there. I was told I couldn't sue bc I didn't die or have permanent damages. The hospital investigated and said it was okay yet the outside billing departments agreed in my favor for negligence and canceled the bills. He was never punished and still works to this day. It took almost 2 years for me to resolve the issues I had from the drugs I was not supposed to be given. I filed a complaint with the Board and even they sided with me yet did nothing to him other than a secret "mark" on his license only he can see.

Add on edit: It is clear to me by the response made via a couple idiots later in the comments that some people are oblivious to what a drug allergy is. I assumed this was common knowledge as well as common sense. It isn't the same a seasonal allergies. Drug allergies can cause anything from rash up to death and all in between. The allergy is made worse when you are under anesthesia and your body isn't able to metabolize the drug the same which means it is up in the air how you will respond. I ended up back in the ER immediately after due to pulmonary issues which led to other issues and other issues, etc. My drug allergy was listed as RED bc my reaction when I first had it and realized I had an allergy to it was almost death. I was younger and had an injury from sports so they gave me this and I started to basically stroke out and almost had a heart attack. This is a drug allergy. Not sniffles.

Get educated before you post responses to people. My background and education is actually Pharmacy so I may know a bit about drugs.


This is the prime reason to do a background check on hospitals and physicians prior to treatment and surgeries.


Some of the worst serial killers have been doctors and nurses. They can get away with it for a long time because they are in a position of trust around very vulnerable people.


This is beyond bizarre. Why would anyone ever wish to harm another human being like this?


Yeah and after him, why not look into the intentional harming of our elderly.. the medical staff surrounding my mom’s death seemed almost intent on her death.. didn’t even notify me she had suffered a heart attack until almost 35 hours after it happened! I could go on and on, but one day these same people will be old and sick and I hope they get the same “care” my poor mom did. Sickening and outrageous!


When will people learn that the scariest people among us are drawn to careers where they have all the power. Anesthesiologist has to be in the top three. Clergy, lawyers, politicians, journalists, law enforcement, psychiatrists… wherever you have people that must be held accountable for their actions, you’ll have psychopaths.


Everybody shocked. I am like, who seriously thinks that most people go to medical school because they want to help other people, or just because they think the salary will be good?


Don't we have enough to worry about when we're scheduled for surgery?


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a damn duck! Why the hell haven’t charges been brought up against this guys!?!?!


This is completely terrifying. I never want to be anywhere near a hospital or surgery center for as long as I have left to live. I don't trust anything or anyone in that industry and I'm a retired nurse. This a different world than just 2 years ago.


That’s why they need cameras in the stock rooms and medication rooms.


Absolutely a qualifing death penalty case right here.


This happened to me in pre-op on just carpal tunnel in my wrist. Three people at different times came into the room and stuck a needle in the IV bag, then the head anesthesiologist came in and did it who told me it was for the duration of the I asked him if those earlier people gave me the same thing because I know I signed a waver if I had a heart attack! First he was speechless, then he recovered from the shock and started laughing like I was feeling the effect already...the Head Nurse came inside just in time for me to tell her. At first she told me in a nutshell 'not to fall asleep' because it was serious and she would stay by myside and do the anesthesia monitoring herself!
...Thennn she bitched the shit out of everyone that came near me! An hour into a 2 hour surgery I was dosing off and she kept yelling at me to 'stay up and fight it' over and over "don't you fall asleep!" She called my name several times saying I was going into a coma and that, 'I would not wake up'...then suddenly I began singing nursery rhymes! This was in 1986- ish, I'm 67 yrs old, she cared for me untill my friend showed up to give me a ride, don't know who she was but her anger meter was up there with beheading some people! Saved my life she did! And my Doctor was the head surgeon and he couldn't believe it either! I do believe though that...some heads did roll (so to speak). Take care everyone, aloha!


Doctors supposed to help people! Not harm or kill people!… is this guy, a real doctor?
