Non-Fiction Trailer #1 (2019) | Movieclips Indie

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Check out the new trailer for Non- Fiction starring Juliette Binoche! Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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US Release Date: May 3, 2019
Starring: Guillaume Canet, Juliette Binoche, Vincent Macaigne
Directed By: Olivier Assayas
Synopsis: Set in the Parisian publishing world, an editor and an author find themselves in over their heads, as they cope with a middle-age crisis, the changing industry and their wives.

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So sad we all wamt our marriages to last...God teaches agaimst protect us from diseases...from destroying childrens emotions their selfworth...not from having fun..THEN MEN MAKE MOVIES TO SAY OH LOOK WHAT YOU ARE MISSING...I have been married for 56 wasn't all roses..BUT we loved each other...My mother in law was from Hell..we moved away from issues we struggled..teenage yrs..stress..we BOTH loved our children..we made it through those yrs..both finished college..WE are able to help our children love and be there for them to help their children get through life..marriage is work..raising good strong children is hard work...If you love your children stay married....Im talking about normal people...If one is a wife beater tried to kill you move on..has affairs move on....God gives a reason to divorce.. .
