I'M WITH YOU (Sonic Frontiers) | Vocal Version【Dream Kittu】

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I have seen and heard, both personally and from afar, humanity's wish for the final boss theme of Sonic Frontiers to have lyrics. You have been heard, and your wish granted. I also just thought this was a good idea in general.

Apparently, "I'm With You" originated as a potential titan boss theme, which means it could have had lyrics anyway! The melody simply begs for it. Maybe there's an internal lyric draft at SEGA. Who knows?

I recreated the instrumental from scratch so I could sing over it. Enjoy!

🟢 Yes, you may use this song in your video if you credit me and link back to my channel. You only need to ask permission if you plan to mod this song into a game.
🔴 No, you may NOT use this music with AI in any way.
🔴 Do not casually re-upload anywhere.
🟢 This song is available to stream.

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(early access, instrumentals, sheet music and more resources are available here!)

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(I ramble here everyday!)

(HQ music available here!)

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○ Credits (Cover) ○
☆ Vocals, Lyrics, Production, Video: @DreamKittu


Cooper Castille
Shinobi Leon

Crush 40 Legacy Gamer



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So there’s an official one now 💀 I’m psychic


I love how like Dear Father is Sage singing to Eggman, this feels like Sage is singing to Sonic as they fight The End.


_Don't mind me, just casually waiting for someone to mod this into Frontiers and make The End more hype_


The addition of lyrics from other titan themes was such a beautiful touch. They work so well in describing both Sage’s and Sonic’s journey


*[Based off this song, I quickly wrote an alternate ending for the game, this is my first piece of narrative writing I've done in a long time so excuse any mistakes]*

Sonic could no longer maintain it.

With a pained exhale, every ounce of tension in his body released, and seven glowing emeralds were expelled around him.

He was alone, enveloped by thousands of miles of space.

What once was a mechanical giant was now reduced to a field of scorched metal and fibres, peppering the surroundings with colossal debris, floating amongst Sonic in the vast expanse of space. He should be celebrating. Everyone was safe. The living weapon was gone, but Sage had sacrificed herself to ensure the victory. She was the only one strong enough to hold the colossus back, to let Sonic finish him off.

A soft, mechanical hum brought Sonic’s gaze to where a large piece of the Supreme titan’s arm was floating by. The titan’s gravity-manipulating outer-coating gently pulled Sonic to its surface, where he let himself collapse. The flexible, metallic exterior was warm against his skin. The thin, black membrane that softened his fall and let him sink into like memory foam, should completely relax him. Sonic let his mind wander, again. He began to draw sharp breaths as he relayed to himself everything that had just happened. ‘The End’ had been defeated. Everyone was safe. It was all over… yet-

*THUD, * Sonic drove his fist into the hollow ground.

His blood boiled. His skin prickled as if wrapped in a blanket of thorns, but he couldn’t bring himself to be angry. He felt absolutely defeated but knew deep down this was the result of his own helplessness. If only he were-

_“...faster” he despaired, “I should’ve been faster. Then, she wouldn’t’ve had to-!”_

Suddenly, he heard a voice, drowning out the deafening silence of space, waving away every wisp of sadness, and every negative thought that surrounded him.


Sonic’s deep-green pupils widened. He felt a warm presence beside him, and turned to see Sage's ethereal form, except the crimson was gone. A beautiful, peaceful shade of teal enveloped her once-blood-red-glowing aura. Her face wore such a relieved expression. Such a bittersweet smile. A smile that could only say a warm “I’m glad you’re okay.”

_"Sage? Is that you?"_

_"Yes, Sonic.”_ She whispered, her voice reverberating through his mind and soul. He didn’t know what to think.

All he could manage was a sickly _“Sage… I-I’m so sorry-”_

_“Please, pick yourself up, ” her words caressed his burnt-out soul, “before I go… there is something I want to tell you.”_

Sonic laid there in silence.

_"When Father created me… when my code was run for the very first time… I thought I knew my purpose. My directive was to ensure that a blue hedgehog, you, would not get in our way. I was programmed to see you as my enemy, and in that, every encounter between you and Eggman resides, preserved, in my memory bank.”_

[Flashbacks of every encounter between Sonic and Eggman from every game cutscene flash on screen at ramped speed during Sage’s confession.]

_“I remember your entire story as if I was there, by his side. Everything you’ve ever done is painted with a grim shade of red in my memories. I was supposed to despise you. But through whatever luck, a sensation of empathy crawled over me. This sudden, new frontier of feeling… it shook me to my core. Slowly, but undeniably corrupting my mainframe. I didn’t know it then, but perhaps your friends, through their time in cyberspace, tethered with me. Those emotions your friends carry for you… care, concern, trust, I felt it. Every second they were trapped, they grew more cold, more afraid, but they never stopped believing in you. I felt it, Sonic. You are a glimmering speck of hope in a world of uncertainty. You showed me that there is more to life than control, than conflict, than loneliness._

_I know I won’t get to see it through, I wish I turned this corner sooner…_

_But it’s too late for the platitudes. I'm grateful for the time that I spent getting to know the real you."_

Sonic felt a lump in his throat. With what little time was left, he couldn’t gather everything he wanted to say to her. _"Sage, I-, Thank you for everything. I didn't think things would turn out this way, really. I wish things could have been different.”_

_"I know, Sonic. Maybe in another lifetime, I’m lucky enough to be one of your friends back on Earth, waiting for your return. Amidst this chaos, I’m glad to say I’ve found a friend. For now, and forever, _

_I'm with you."_


Who's back here after hearing the OFFICIAL version? I literally mentioned Dream Kittu when listening to the credits in my live stream LMFAO!!! 🌹


this song was dying to get vocals. ITS SO BEAUTIFUL 🤩


It feels like Sage and Sonic singing both each other and defiantly against the End


The person who sings the new vocal version actually sounds a lot like u tho
Two talented singers
I love this version and the official version


"He took your home world!
He took your lives!
Are you really going to let him do it all over again?
I need your help! I can't do this alone!"

This truly is a beautiful lyricization of this already beautiful theme. This just makes this theme all the more amazing. Fantastic work! 💙💛


I’m with you is one of the best non-vocal tracks in recent 3d sonic history, it’s not up for debate.


Nice!! 2:01 was a nice touch of adding FYF and undefeatable in this! Makes this theme really serve it;s purpose as the final boss soundtrack


I won't lie with you; I came in expecting something decent.

_And then goosebumps covered my body as I was immersed in this._ ✨ *Really freakin' well-made song.* ✨


As if the original song couldn't already move me to tears, you just HAD to give voice to Sage's final thoughts. DAMN IT KITTU, I'M CRYING HERE-

(read: wonderful work as ever!)


Top 10 predictions that went to hard:
Number 1:


I'm not crying. You're crying! 😭😭😭 Such a beautiful voice.


My captors bent time and space...
My captors built a whole reality to contain me...
My captors *BURNED* their souls away to fuel their engines.

And you...?


So pretty and amazing cover, the lyric is so beauty and meaning! This music deserved a vocal version for a final boss. A pleasure to be part of the first art I do for a fan cover ^^ I had fun drawing this ♥ Hope this get a lot of attention ♥


I can say that sage is a great character related to Eggman since Metal Sonic. This song is also great!


In my opinion, both your version and SEGA’s are equally amazing. They’re both from Sage’s Point of View, but this one is more of Sage before she sacrifices herself and fights side-by side with Sonic, while the official one
(Spoiler Ahead)
is about Sage getting to go home with Eggman and them being together. She’s part of a family now, and that’s what THAT version is about. Both are really good in the message they are trying to convey, and I personally think there is no “better” version.
