15 minute Sunrise Tai Chi - Great For Beginners!

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Early morning - Sunrise - is thought to be the best time to practice Tai Chi. For beginners, this can be a challenge. Why am I getting up so early? But if you can catch the light just right - like in this session - it's all worth it. Join in with this meditation in motion - it's perfect for beginners, because all you have to do is do what you see.
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DDR, Thank you, I conduct several classes a week at a cancer support center and several senior centers. Your teaching methods have enabled me to bring the benefits of Tia Chi to my students.


I've been using this video off and on to add to my exercise program...which is limited. One of my cats, an attention monger who is a bit overweight, hears the music and immediately runs over to me. He knows the song and when I twist to the sides jumps on the table to make sure he gets a pet. He also knows when to jump down and sit between my legs when the exercise calls for reaching down. Not only do I get exercise, but fat boy does too. Good video.


suggesting an audio track more in tune with the smooth motions and internal focus and energy of Tai chi


Hey! Thanks! This is literally the first time I've ever done Tai Chi. I have cancer, and the fatigue that comes from chemo, and the depression that comes from that...I made it ten minutes today! I'll keep working on this video until I can do the whole thing, then move onto another one! By the way, I freaking LOVE your dog.


Oh, I love sunrises. There is something I find so emotional about them!


Alright, I tried. I really tried. I loved the movements in this video. But the music.... I could not get into the rhythm of the movements with the coffee table jazz playing in the background. I love your teaching style and the pace. It's amazing on both accounts. I only ask that the music match that.


I loved the music! Thank you! I hope to share with recovery patients in Colorado during COVID shut-down of other important healthy program options.


I'm in week 6 of starting my day with Sunrise Tai Chi, and I love the state of mind I finish with. I have a high stress job and this is getting me through my day with a lot more patience and less aggravation ❤


I recommend my patients do tai chi on a regular basis. I recommend this channel to them.Safe, easy, effective. Thank you


The captions explaining the movements are wonderful. I like the eclectic jazz rhythm which enhanced the flow. This class was like a visit with a friend.


❤️it ❤️it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️ it ❤️
I lead several classes a week ...truly love your teaching methods to pass them on to my older-adult students
Thank you, , , 🙏 ❤️🙏


music is like a it is personal, and The class is fluid, and calming, and if you mute the sound, you can add your own music to match your style. Thanks David, this was my very first Tai Chi Class. It was a lovely introduction. Love from Western Canada.


Have always had difficulty following excercise classes in person or online but had no trouble keeping up, felt like i was doing ballet again, just love the slow peaceful movements, excellent teacher!


I was newly diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer, Tai Chi per DDR was practiced before my diagnosis and glad to see this video with easy to follow instructions for any fitness level. Noted the seated Tai Chi for seniors... thank you for making this available.


I'M HOOKED! Helps my day start out so happy and motivated to move!


Thank you so much Sir David for all your exercises that I follow daily. This keep me feel better and healthy. God Bless you and more power to you., Sir David from USA retired nurse follower


Hi David, I am enjoying your Tai Qi classes and would like to thank you for all the different ones you’re offering. Namaste.


Thank you. I play cricket and am pretty mobile thanks to generally looking after myself and luck. Now I'm 65 and still run about and bowl and bat, but as each season passes I fear not being able to participate by the time the next season comes round. I really think this'll help. So, if you knew how much I enjoy cricket and all that comes with it, you'd fully appreciate this thank you.


Excellent 20 minute flow experience.
Great coordination and balance between movements and music . Thanks!


This was my first time doing Tai Chi, and I couldn't believe how hot I got! Loved it, btw. Looking forward to doing more videos.
